Annual trainer contribution
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As a Member of the Center for Nonviolent Communication, your Annual Trainer Contribution helps us to evolve, grow, and unite people around the world who are learning, sharing, and applying Nonviolent Communication.
Please fill out this form, regardless of the amount that you are contributing. To choose the amount of your Annual Trainer Contribution in 2024, please take into account the following factors:
💵 Your financial capability: Assess the financial resources that you have access to.
❤️ Your desire to support CNVC: How strongly would you like to contribute to your organization's growth and success?
🌱 Value that you receive: How is your life enriched by being a Certified Trainer with CNVC?
We have budgeted to receive an average of USD $325 (convert to another currency) per person. Please choose an amount that is a modest stretch for you, but that also allows you to maintain your security and well being -- this might be $500, $50, $5, or $0. We are grateful for contributions that exceed the average because this balances out contributions that come from trainers who contribute a lower amount due to their circumstances.
We want you to make this contribution while using the Nonviolent Communication principles of willingness and contributing to life. Even if your amount is $0, please fill out and submit this form so that we know you have made your choice (and so that we can take you off the list of people to follow up with later).
Note for new trainers: If you became a Certified Trainer...
- 01-Jan-2024 or later: We are not asking for an additional contribution at this time since you pay a one-time Certification Fee upon being certified.
- 01-Jan-2023 through 31-Dec-2023: When choosing an amount, please take into account that you were certified for only part of 2023 (prorated).
One other factor you might consider when choosing your amount is the economic situation in your country, as shown in global indexes for cost of living and average annual income. Here you can see your contribution based on your country’s economic situation. This approach brings equity and inclusivity, reflecting the value of USD $325 globally.
- Send a bank transfer to our bank account (include your name when you send the transfer so that we know the money is from you)
- Pay using a Credit Card or PayPal.
- Make one contribution now for the full amount of your 2024 Annual Trainer Contribution.
- Set up a recurring monthly contribution (click "Subscribe" instead of "Buy One Time")
After you make the payment, you will receive an on-screen prompt to print a receipt for your records. In addition, you will receive an email that shows the payment amount for your records. If you need a more detailed invoice, email our Financial Coordinator (
Every contribution fuels our mission and vision. Your support enables CNVC to continue spreading the principles of Nonviolent Communication worldwide, creating a world in which everyone's needs matter and where we are creating institutions that honor these needs. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.