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Biodanza for kindergarten children (TANZPRO-biodanza)

Reporting on changes of cortisol levels and emotion recognition

Academic Journal Article by Stueck, M., Villegas, A., Lahn, F., Bauer, K., Tofts, P., & Sack, U. in English (2016)
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 11(1), 75-89

The evidence-based programme “TANZPRO-Biodanza for children” was developed in 2009 by Marcus Stueck and Alejandra Villegas based on the Biodanza concept of Rolando Toro and Cecilia Luzzi (Children-Biodanza). The 10-session programme includes elements of dance, movement, encounter and non-verbal communication. There are two versions of the programme, for younger children aged 4–6, and older children, aged 7–12. TANZPRO-Biodanza is the nonverbal part of the School of Empathy concept, based on an integrative empathy model by Stueck (2013b, verbal part: “Respectful, nonviolent communication”). In the current study (10 children, age 4–6), a significant reduction in cortisol and improvements in emotion recognition and concentration (in children with high or medium pre-cortisol values) were found. This indicates the potential of TANZPRO-Biodanza to promote stress reduction and the enhancement of social skills. Despite the methodical limitations, the current study is a valid pilot and gives a first insight into the effects of dance on the responses and modulation of neurohormones in 4–6-year-old children.