Photos & Videos at Intensive Trainings
The Center for Nonviolent Communication would like to use the photos and videos from this event to inform others about what this event is like and to spread Nonviolent Communication (NVC) around the world. In addition, we want to provide memories of the people you met and the experiences that you had. Are you willing to help us with this?
Here is the process that we will follow:
- We will ask that people abstain from taking photographs for the first three days of the event so that everyone can orient themselves to the experience and get to know their fellow participants.
- If I do NOT want my likeness in any photograph or video to be taken, the organizers will describe at the beginning of the event how I can avoid having my photograph taken in the first place.
- Photographs and videos can be uploaded by anyone who was present including participants, trainers, and on-site coordinators within 7 days of the end of the event. You will receive the link on the third day of the IIT.
- After 7 days, we will reach out to everyone who was present, and offer a 2-week review period. We will provide a way for you to tell us if you want your face blurred, or for a photograph or video that you appear in to be deleted altogether.
At the end of this process, three weeks after the end of the IIT, taking into account that all the participants have had the opportunity to request deletion (or blurring their image), any remaining photographs and videos will be covered by this Photo and Video Release Form.
By signing this agreement, you agree and consent as follows:
- I consent and authorize the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), to use my likeness in any photograph or video that is taken at this International Intensive Training, in any and all of its publications, including print or web-based publications such as their website and social media accounts, for an indefinite period.
- I understand and agree that all Photos and Videos are the property of CNVC.
- I acknowledge that I am not entitled to any compensation or royalties with respect to the use of the Photos and videos.
- I agree to release and forever discharge CNVC from the claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, disputes, demands, damages, causes of action of any nature or kind, known or unknown, which I, and anyone claiming on behalf of me, may have or claim to have against CNVC in connection with this Release.
- I have carefully read and understand the provisions of this Photo Release Form and am freely, knowingly, and voluntarily agreeing.
- I understand that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time. To do so, I can contact the Programs Department at [email protected]. Upon withdrawal, CNVC will cease any future use of my likeness in new publications. However, I acknowledge that materials already published prior to my withdrawal may not be retractable.