We honor the memory of:
Rita Herzog
Message from CNVC
We mourn the loss of Rita, one of the biggest leaders in the history of our organization and someone who held the spiritual purpose of our work together. We are grateful to Rita for co-founding CNVC and contribution many years of blood, sweat, and tears and the heavy lifting to get the organization off the ground, running it from her dining room table for several years. Her relationship with our founder, Marshall Rosenberg, was pivotal including the constant leadership that she provided including developing and managing our Certification process. Thank you, Rita!
Trainer's profile
Rita organized for and worked with Marshall since she met him in the 1980s. She has offered NVC training in Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Israel, many parts of Europe, Canada, and the U.S. She coordinated the early activities of the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and served on the Board of Directors for nine years.
Rita helped write the original documents for the certification preparation and assessment process, served as the organization's first Certification Coordinator, retiring from that role in December of 2014. Subsequently, she continued to offer support and guidance to Assessors and Certification Candidates, exploring how to live and teach the values of self-awareness, self-responsibility, community, and social change, all of which encompass the spirituality which is at the heart of Nonviolent Communication.
Rita co-authored the children's book, The Mayor of Jackal Heights, which demonstrates the power of NVC empathy. Rita's experiences have taught her that once we fully receive the healing power of empathy for ourselves, we cannot stop the natural flow of compassion to others, creating the loving connections we all yearn for.
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