First Generation NVCers’ In-Person Retreat:
An Even Deeper Dive into Knowing and Living the Roots of NVC as Received Directly from Marshall Rosenberg
AUDIENCE: advanced
A historic event: the first ever in-person First Generation NVCers retreat.
As First Generation NVC trainers, we have heard a desire from NVC practitioners and those steeped in NVC to understand what was stirred in Marshall in the creation and sharing of NVC teachings with the world and to connect with those who know the history and have lived NVC for over 30 years. This retreat is an opportunity to delve into areas of NVC that may not have received as much attention as others in recent years, and to do so as we received it from Marshall.
The retreat is intended to be an advanced-level exploration of NVC and is open to Certified Trainers and Candidates registered with CNVC. Others steeped in NVC may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
For general questions about the event, please contact the First Gens at [email protected] and copy [email protected]. If you have registration questions, please contact Elke Haggerty at [email protected].
- Christa Morf (Trainer Emeritus Profile)
- Sweden 2025 (International Intensive Training)
- China 2023 (International Intensive Training)
- NVC 5. Marshall's Way of Teaching (Video)
- NVC 6. Development of Teaching Approach and Lingo (Video)
- NVC 8. Marshall the Man (Video)
- NVC 9. Principles of NVC (Video)
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- Elke Haggerty (Trainer Profile)
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- Sylvia Haskvitz (Trainer Profile)
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- Alex Censor (Trainer Emeritus Profile)
- General