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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Grief & Gratitude: In Uncertain Times

By: Kristin Masters

AUDIENCE: intermediate

Sunday, Nov 17, 2024 4:30 AM —
Sunday, Dec 29, 2024 6:00 AM
Recurring event
Timezone: America/Vancouver

We only GRIEVE what we love. 

We are often given the message that we should only get to grieve for a close person that has died and only for a specific time. We don’t really know how to do that by ourselves, alone, without being overwhelmed.

Kristin believes we were meant to deal with our grief, our losses of ALL kinds, in community with warmth and resonance. She believes it's easiest to do that when we pulse between our joys (what we actually FEEL grateful for, not what we OUGHT to be grateful for) and our heartbreaks (what we've loved and lost). 

Both joys and heartbreaks bring us home to ourselves making us more ready for what's ahead. If this approach appeals, Kristin invites you to consider joining us for -a seven week dive into grief and gratitude to develop practices and skills for embracing what matters to us. 

This series runs from 11/17/24 to 12/29/24 in seven weekly group sessions on Sundays from 4:30-6:00pm with optional application/practice/freewriting  sessions on most Thursdays (skipping US Thanksgiving on 11/28 )between from 4:30-6pm) (Don't dismay if you have conflicts, there are plenty of ways to gain access to content and community! You get to choose what to come to.)

Kristin weaves together elements of NVC, relational neurobiology and resonant language with frames from Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects and liberation/anti-oppression work. 

Each participant has full choice about what and how to work with their life's material, and affinity groupings can be arranged in breakouts and dyad pairings. 

All times are in Pacific time. 

Here is a link to a time zone map that includes daylight savings times to see what this translates to where you are on the globe. 

This is the fourth iteration of this series, earlier sessions running 2020, 20/21 and  2022, meeting many needs for the participants. 

See More thoughts on $, social justice, language, here

Live sessions will include both frameworks and experiential practices in the realm of grief and gratitude. The content portions of the sessions will be recorded for those who miss or want to revisit.

“prerequisites and capacities” to register

While many who come to this class already have education and experience in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), it isn’t explicitly required.  However, it is important that those who come have the ability to share space with attunement, warmth and curiosity. This might be seen in the ability to reflect and empathize, to refrain from common blocks to empathy (advice-giving, reassurance, one-upping, interrogating.) 

Kristin can give resources for those who want to learn more, and specific additional sessions may be offered to bring those new to NVC up to speed on essential skills.  

This series is offered in the spirit of gift economy, with contributions/dana that support Kristin and her team for the teachings and care she extends. If you're wanting to hold your spot, make a "deposit" and then email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to propose what you can easily and generously pay with an expected timeline. For those who want suggestion for amount, you might consider that a sliding scale of $25-$50 per hour might give you a range of payment options. For just the 7 weeks of Sundays, that range might be $260-$525, adding Thursdays might be $485-$975. But these numbers are only for consideration, and I want each of you to be fully in choice about contribution and investment. Those of you who can easily pay at the higher levels help support sustainability for the larger group who pay at the lower end (or less). 

Click on this document for more context on $ More thoughts on $, social justice, language, here

To register and hold your spot with deposit- write  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, email, and what/when you plan to contribute towards the class that is both generous and affordable (taking both of our needs into consideration) 

Kristin expects that some folks will register after the start of the program, but late registration requires emailing Kristin for manual registration. She doesn't want to miss anyone, or have anyone out of the information loop! 

Note that there is an option for deposit for those of you who wish to explore alternative payment amounts or timelines. For those requests, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 To read more…. About social justice lens…. About gift economy lens… About other’s experience with Kristin’s work/ testimonials… 

Is there something else you need to know to know if this is a fit for you? Email Kristin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

How do I hold the personal losses in my life, losses of people from life and relations, loss of beloved critters, loss of place, loss of abilities/capacities, loss of work/job/meaning? 
How do I recover from the losses, stresses and fears of recent times (pandemic, racial injustices, environmental losses)?  
How do I find ways to swim in gratitude even when my world/community/family is hurting? 
How do I truly hold my loneliness and fears in these times... and at the same time let myself fall fully in love with your version of "little green apple tree and the birdies in the yard"?
How do I hold the way my heart soars when I hear someone speak values crucial to me, and find the strength to step up my game for the work that needs to be done in my world?
If these questions feel juicy to you, and if you want to find your own versions, come join Kristin and what is likely to  to be warmly curious community.   


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“The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand and gratitude in the other and to be stretched large by them. How much sorrow can I hold? That’s how much gratitude I can give. If I carry only grief, I’ll bend toward cynicism and despair. If I have only gratitude, I’ll become saccharine and won’t develop much compassion for other people’s suffering. Grief keeps the heart fluid and soft, which helps make compassion possible.” ― Francis Ward Weller