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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

ONLINE: The Life-changing Communication Course – 6-week MIDDAY (Thursdays)

By: Gesine Schrader

AUDIENCE: beginner

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 12:00 PM —
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024 2:15 PM
Timezone: Europe/London

About this Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Level One Course

  • Transformational communication tools you can immediately apply in your daily life.
  • Learn how to express yourself to others, listen to others, and listen compassionately to yourself.
  • Uses experiential learning – working with situations from your life.
  • A recognised stepping stone to further compassionate communication courses.

When and Where

Six Thursdays: 12, 19 and 26 September; 3, (skip 10 October),17 and 24 October 2024, each time 12:00 – 14:15 UK time. 

This is an online course. We will invite you to six online calls, using a platform called Zoom — instructions to follow. Zoom allows us to go into breakout rooms for smaller group work.


Gesine Schrader, certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. Find out more about the trainer.

In the spirit of Gift Culture

Gift Culture is a new paradigm that moves us away from making money a measurement of worth and value, towards focusing on the sustainability of the community as a whole. More about Gift Culture.

As part of experimenting with this kind of financial-co-responsibility, we ask the following:  

When you apply, select the £90 booking fee. We ask that you treat this booking fee as non-refundable.
At the end of the weekend, we will have a conversation about Gift Culture and invite you to make a further financial contribution to help us continue and expand our work. On the booking form, we will ask you to confirm that you are aware of this.

For more information, visit


  • General
Transform your life with compassionate communication! This six-week introductory course will help you to communicate more compassionately with your loved ones, friends and work colleagues.