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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Online: Turning inner Turmoil into Empowerment:

Transforming Anger Compassionately – 6-week Course (Tuesdays)

By: Gesine Schrader

AUDIENCE: intermediate

Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 12:30 PM —
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 2:45 PM
Timezone: Europe/London

Anger is a powerful emotion. If we understand that the root of our anger is our thinking, there is hope for dealing with it compassionatley. Can you imagine the power of transforming it?

About this Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Level Two Course

On this course you will practise skills learned in your Level One or Foundation Training, plus further developing understanding and skills in the area of anger, guilt, shame, and depression.

  • Learn how to express anger fully without blame, attack or threat.
  • Learn how to receive anger in ways that increase safety, respect and understanding.
  • Clarify your feelings and needs in challenging situations.
  • Extend skills and understanding with the “Anger, Guilt, Shame and Depression” Dance Floor. Dance Floors are spatial maps of the NVC process which we lay on the floor and walk through — hence Dance Floors.

The other Level Two courses we offer cover empathy and conflict.


Before applying, we ask you to have completed a Level One course of two days or equivalent with a certified trainer. If you have the time, here are a few tips on what you can do in advance:

When and where

Six Tuesdays: 25 February; 4, 11, 18, 25 March and 1 April 2025, 12:30 14:45 UK time. This is an online course. We will invite you to six online calls, using a platform called Zoom — instructions to follow. Zoom allows us to go into breakout rooms for smaller group work.

In the spirit of Gift Culture

We offer this course in the spirit of Gift Culture - see More Information. 


  • Counseling & Coaching
  • General
  • Health & Healing
"Anger is not the problem. It's the thinking that's going on in us when we're angry that's the problem." M. Rosenberg