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Engaging youth in community development

Post-war healing and recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Academic Journal Article by Kasumagic, L. in English (2008)
International Review of Education, 54(3/4), 375-392

In the aftermath of the Bosnian war, the country has been challenged with the task of responding to the atrocities that culminated in the killing of thousands of people. Furthermore, the country’s resultant political instability and economic underdevelopment have been complicated by the multiple transitions to which it has been subject since the war. As a consequence, the process of healing and reconciliation remains a challenge. Young people from different ethnic groups still live in separation and struggle to remain hopeful after witnessing many years of stagnation.

This paper conceptualizes a participatory youth development framework designed to enhance the educational experience and active civic engagement of Bosnian youths from three ethnic groups in fostering community change and post-war healing through creative learning and Nonviolent communication. The proposed program aims to enable them to explore the stories of their shared history, challenge their shared future by facing up to their personal, wartime, pre-war and post-war experiences and view themselves as legitimate participants in the community development process.