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December 2023: Here are some of the newest people to join the Certified Trainer community. We invite you to get to know them by reading their stories below. If you would like to contact them, please visit their trainer page and use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page:


[EN] It is an immense joy to have been able to accompany Andrés Lodie during his certification process. We celebrate his openness to navigate life from vulnerability, and to question the logics of patriarchal culture, from love and tenderness. Our certification journey has had many moments where a sense of shared power and interdependence have been at the forefront of our interactions. Andres' attitude of giving and receiving feedback from the heart has been an inspiration to us. His passion for NVC and its concrete application in parenting and couple work are very palpable. We have no doubt that Andres will bring to our community a way of living Nonviolent Communication from a masculinity committed to balance the power differences between men and women, adults and children.

[ES]  Es una alegría inmensa haber podido acompañar a Andrés Lodie durante su proceso de certificación. Celebramos su apertura a navegar la vida desde la vulnerabilidad, y a cuestionar las lógicas de la cultura patriarcal, desde el amor y la ternura. Nuestro viaje de certificación ha tenido muchos momentos en los que el sentido del poder compartido y la interdependencia han estado en primera línea de nuestras interacciones. La actitud de Andrés de dar y recibir feedback desde el corazón ha sido una inspiración para nosotras. Su pasión por la CNV y su aplicación concreta en el trabajo de crianza y de pareja son muy palpables. No dudamos de que Andrés traerá para nuestra comunidad una forma de vivir la Comunicación Noviolenta desde una masculinidad comprometida con equilibrar las diferencias de poder entre hombres y mujeres, adultos y niñ@s.

From Andres:

I am celebrating the process and every step of my journey. I started learning and sharing empathy, practice groups, and some training with an international community and with Sabine as an assessor. After some months I met the Mexican community, so later in my journey I changed assessor and for my surprise I continued with two: Stephanie and Camila. At first, I had mourned not being able to connect with the Mexican community, and then I realized that it was part of my process, and I learned to have confidence at every stage. I really enjoyed meeting people from different parts of the world to connect, share, and experience new relationships in the intensive training sessions.

I lived a community learning experience that marked a before and after in my path in an NGL with Miki and Arnina. After attending several in-person and online training and many practice spaces, I integrated a way to express myself vulnerably with other people and little by little, that became a fundamental aspect in my relationship with my children, my wife, and friends. Additionally, I surprised myself by finding a new way to connect through love with other men in my life. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the CNVC team and every person I met on my path to certification. I am savoring those encounters and looking forward to those to come—my love and gratitude to all the people who share NVC.


[EN] This text is to celebrate the friendship and closeness that have grown since I met Martha at IIT in Shambalanté (Mexico) in 2017. I just opened the folder in Trello that we shared, and I am amazed by the creativity, abundance, and structure that I recognize in it. It was a pleasure and an honor to be by at her side during your certification process, experiencing openness, curiosity, commitment, and dedication to learning, deepening, integrating, and sharing NVC. 

Each time Martha listened to me, I experienced a quality of presence that invited my trust. At the same time, I enjoy the quality of authenticity and vulnerability when Martha shares what is alive in her, be it sharing celebrations, frustrating situations, or mourning. I celebrate Martha's openness to receiving feedback and integrating it into her life and her workshops. Seeing that she was open and willing to stretch herself to respond to the assessors' team's request after the DTA reinforces my confidence in your abilities and skills as a trainer.

 [ES] Este mensaje es para celebrar la amistad y la cercania que creció desde que nos conocimos en el IIT de Shambalanté (México) en 2017. Acabo de abrir la carpeta en Trello que compartimos y estoy maravillada por la creatividad, abundancia y estructura que reconozco en ella. Fue un placer y un honor estar a tu lado durante tu proceso de certificación, experimentando apertura, curiosidad, compromiso y dedicación para aprender, profundizar, integrar y compartir la CNV. 

A cada vez que me escuchaste, experimenté una cualidad de presencia que invitaba a mi confianza. Al mismo tiempo disfruto de la cualidad de autenticidad y vulnerabilidad cuando compartes lo que esta vivo en ti, que sea compartiendo celebraciones, situaciones frustrantes o duelos. Celebro tu apertura para recibir retroalimentación y integrarla en tu vida y en tus talleres. Ver que estuviste abierta y dispuesta a estirarte para responder a la petición del equipo de asesoras refuerza mi confianza en tus capacidades y habilidades como formadora

From Martha:

[ES] ha sido una trayectoria de crecimiento y de muchos descubrimientos y en proceso de certificación me perimitión darmecuenta de todo el camino recorrido, profundizar aun más y de crecer en comunidad.

[EN] It has been a journey of growth and many discoveries, and the certification process allowed me to realize the entire path traveled, to delve even deeper, and to grow within the community.


[EN] I celebrate all the moments of connection and learning since we met at the IIT in Shambalanté (Mexico) in 2017. The several times I was invited to witness your work in presential workshops and online I saw you living, sharing and integrating NVC as a team interweaving it with your acquired teaching experience. Since the pandemic you developed and offered more than 80 interactive online workshops (a tool you knew little about before) in the Spanish speaking world. I bow to that great achievement!!!!!

I celebrate what I have experienced so many times these past years as open-heartedness, generosity, optimism, creativity, commitment and dedication. When you get feedback you receive it as a gift, even if sometimes it feels like a cactus with thorns and I have seen you integrate it into your next workshop as an opportunity for growth.

It was a pleasure and an honor to be by your side during your certification process and witnessing the development I saw in you.

[ES] Celebro todos los momentos de conexión así como los varios momentos de aprendizaje desde que nos conocimos en el IIT de Shambalanté (México) en 2017. Agradezco la varias veces que me invitaron a presenciar su trabajo en vivo y en linea, viviendo, compartiendo y integrando en equipo la CNV incluyendo tus conocimientos previos. Desde la pandemia desarrollaron y ofrecieron mas de 80 talleres interactivos en línea (una herramienta que conocían poco antes) en el mundo de habla hispana. ¡¡¡Me inclino ante ese gran logro!!!

Celebro lo que he vivenciado tantas veces estos últimos años como apertura de corazón, generosidad, optimismo, creatividad, compromiso, desempeño y dedicación. Celebro que consigues recibir retroalimentación como un regalo, aunque a veces se sienta como cactus con espinas y que en la siguiente ocasión lo integres en tu siguiente taller como oportunidad de crecimiento.

Fue un placer y un honor estar a tu lado durante tu proceso de certificación y me encanta ver el desarrollo que vi en ti. Tu apertura y disposición a estirarte y pedirle apoyo a Gerardo para responder a la petición del equipo de asesoras en los últimos DTA refuerzan mi confianza en tus capacidades y habilidades como formadora.

From Julieta:

[ES] Mi trayectoria inició en el 2012, con Antonio Kuri Breña Romero de Terreros, quien en ese momento no era Formador Certificado, en ese entonces, era muy dificil acceder a Formadores Certificados, Toño inició una comunidad a la cual pertenezco todavía, y nos organizamos para invitar a formadores certificados a venir a darnos cursos, posteriormente se hizo un IIT en 2015 y fue más accesible, aunque muy costoso.

Inicié mi proceso de certificación con Sylvie y finalmente envié mi solicitud somo candidato a la certificación al CNVC y fui aceptada. Considero que fue un camino de mucho aprendizaje y mucha conexión con el grupo de personas que estabamos como candidatos a la certificación y con Sylvie. Después se unieron con sylvie, Marianne y Stephanie y Camila Reyes que está formandose como asesora y fue muy poco tiempo de contacto por las diferentes ocupaciones de cada quien, cuando se llegó el Pre Asesoramiento todo fluyó muy bien y en los DTA hubo falta de claridad, lo cual propició que varios de nosotros tuviéramos que trabajar algunos aspectos específicos por recomendación del grupo de asesoras y finalmente el 17 de octubre pasado, tuvimos una reunión para comentar los procesos y situaciones vividas a partir de la recomendación realizada posteriormente a los DTA.

A pesar de haber sido difícil, lo agradezco por la riqueza que hubo en mi proceso de desarrollo como formadora. sin embargo recomendaría que en todo momento se tenga mayor comunicación para que haya claridad para las personas que quieran certificarse de aquí en adelante.

Doy gracias al grupo de asesoras que nos acompañaron, en especial a Sylvie por su apoyo y conducción amorosa y constructiva para mi propio desarrollo. También agradezco a Gerardo Sánchez y a David Shindoll, a quienes me acerqué para solicitar su apoyo y de manera desinteresada, me ayudaron a complementar el último tramo vivido de mayo a octubre de este año. en este tiempo trabajé lo que me fue indicado por las asesoras.


[EN] I got to know Matthias in 2019 when he participated in the first mentoring and assessment days in Mexico. At this time he was accompanied by our assessor colleague Sabine Geiger. He joined us as he wanted to learn and grow in community and to strengthen his connection with the mexican network, as he is living and working there. Last year, he decided in mutual agreement with Sabine and myself to change assessor to me to continue his process in his mexican community. I value a lot his engagement within and for the local community.

Matthias focuses in his work on supporting conflict resolution in local communities and in wider areas. I'm impressed by his dedication and his eagerness to support, and I see it as important social change work.

When I remember our encounters, I value his empathic presence a lot. In his daily life and also in some of his trainings, he is practising mindfulness to support the nvc consciousness.

I´m very happy to welcome him as part of our CT´s community and am absolutely sure that he will contribute a lot in spreading NVC in Mexico and contributing to social change. Welcome, Matthias!

[ES] Conocí a Matthias en 2019, cuando participó en las primeras días de tutoría y asesoramiento en México. En esa ocasión lo acompañó nuestra colega asesora Sabine Geiger. Se unió a nosotros porque quería aprender y crecer en comunidad y fortalecer su conexión con la red mexicana, ya que vive y trabaja allí. El año pasado, decidió de mutuo acuerdo con Sabine y conmigo cambiar de asesora para continuar su proceso en su comunidad mexicana. Valoro mucho su compromiso con la comunidad local.

Matthias centra su trabajo en apoyar la resolución de conflictos en las comunidades locales y en zonas más amplias. Me impresiona su dedicación y su afán de apoyo, y lo considero una importante labor de cambio social.

Cuando recuerdo nuestros encuentros, valoro mucho su presencia empática. En su vida diaria y también en algunas de sus formaciones, está practicando mindfulness para apoyar la conciencia nvc.

Estoy muy feliz de darle la bienvenida como parte de nuestra comunidad de TC y estoy absolutamente segura de que va a contribuir mucho en la difusión de la CNV en México y contribuir al cambio social. ¡Bienvenido, Matthias!

From Matthias:

The certification journey has been a really positive experience. I initially began in Austria and then, a year later, moved back to Mexico where my family is from and where we had lived for over 12 years previously.

During the assessment phase, we realized that certifying in Mexico might pose challenges due to language barriers with my previous assessor.

That's when I reached out to Marianne Sikor to assess and guide me through the certification process. Working with Marianne was an absolute delight; her guidance was not only inspiring but also offered a wonderful opportunity for knowledge exchange. She embodies the integrity of CNVC standards, which is incredibly important to me. 


[EN] I celebrate having accompanied you on your journey towards living, integrating, and sharing NVC, discovering your clarity, structure, and openness to talk about complex issues.  The simplified and colorful version of Jim and Jori Manske's matrix that you created made it playful and easy for me to orient myself in it.I am inspired by your constant self-reflection, honest expression, and commitment to grow. Also, by the gratitude you express when receiving feedback as a gift and your openness to integrate it.

The team collaboration that led you to co-create and deliver over 80 online workshops throughout the Spanish-speaking world offers access to NVC and inclusion to many. I appreciate your trust, vulnerability, and empathy as you share how you continue to integrate NVC into your life, as well as your openness and willingness to reach out and ask for support from a fellow trainer to respond to the request of the team of assessors. This reinforces my confidence in your abilities and skills as a trainer.

 [ES] Celebro el haberte acompañado en tu camino hacia vivir, integrar y compartir la CNV descubriendo tu claridad, estructura, apertura a hablar sobre temas complejos.Me resultó fácil y lúdico orientarme en la versión simplificada y colorida de la matriz de Jim y Jori Manske que creaste.

Me inspira tu constante auto-reflexión, expresión honesta y compromiso a crecer con tu auto-retroalimentación y la gratitud que expresaste al recibir retroalimentación como un regalo y tu apertura a integrarla.Celebro tu colaboración en equipo que los llevó a co-crear y impartir más de 80 talleres en línea en todo el mundo de habla hispana para dar acceso a todos a la CNV.

Agradezco tu confianza, vulnerabilidad y empatía tanto como tu apertura y disposición para estirarte y pedirle apoyo a una colega formadora para responder a la petición del equipo de asesoras lo que refuerza mi confianza en tus capacidades y habilidades como formador.

From Hernán:

 [ES]  En 2011 conocí el libro de Marshall y quise hacerlo parte de mi vida, al leer el libro que me dio mi esposa, pase mucho tiempo llorando pues me di cuenta de la violencia que ejercía con mi esposa y nuestros hijos pero que no era consciente fue maravilloso darme cuenta de mis sentimientos y el saber que necesidad estaba viva en mi, pude tomar varios talleres de CNV y asistir a un IIT en 2015, y luego comencé a dar talleres de CNV en cárceles, escuelas, etc.

y en el 2019 forme parte de los candidatos a certificación donde con la ayuda primeramente de Sylvie como asesora y como mentora de Fabiola Fuentes me hice cada día más consciente de lo que estaba vivo en mi, en las otras personas y en el medio ambiente, que para cuidarlo a él y a mí me hice vegano, para mi proceso de certificación participe en 3 DTA y en otro IIT, además de cursos y talleres con varios entrenadores certificados, para mi fue un cambio radical en mi vida de ser una persona muy racional por mi profesión científica a poder ser empático conmigo y con las demás personas.


I first met Pauline at an IIT in 2017 and was delighted when she later chose the path of certification and asked me to accompany her. Based in London, Pauline is from Ireland, and the UK NVC community is important to her.

I am very happy to welcome her as a certified trainer in the UK. Pauline has valuable experience as a consultant in organizations, and her passion is supporting parents in communicating with children in ways that support their life energy. Her own personal and spiritual journey through NVC has been deeper than she expected and it is a joy to see her increasingly step into her power and shine.

This seems to be an important transitional time for Pauline and I trust that she will continue to work on her learning edges and very much look forward to her contribution spreading NVC in the world. 

From Pauline

When I stumbled on NVC in 2016, I could not believe that such a vital skill for navigating life might be left to chance for people to discover.

From early on in my journey, it became my mission to seek to contribute to seeding NVC in the world, which is why I embarked on the certification path.

The impact that NVC has had on my life has been life-changing both in terms of my personal growth and in what I do for a living, and the certification process gave me a framework within which to support that change to emerge.

Key areas where the certification process supported me most included:

- The invitation to journal and unpack my daily challenges on the page developed a discipline that will continue by pausing to check in with myself about what is really going on.

- The invitation to share NVC in the community supported me in consolidating and integrating my understanding of key concepts and processes and practicing facilitation.

- The invitation to request feedback stretched my receiving muscles and prompted both celebration and further terrain for excavation.

- The invitation to assist other trainers supported me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of key concepts and facilitation styles while also building community

- The support and feedback from my assessor kept me accountable and contributed to filling gaps in my knowledge and understanding.

- The opportunity to journey together with other candidates in pods, practice groups, and at final assessment contributed to community building and life-long friendships. 


Aad is an experienced coach and trainer from The Netherlands. He brings NVC into his work with organisations, bringing humanness to the workplace with the combination of his own credibility and vulnerability. In addition he is planning to work with older people, supporting their connections with their children. Inspired by his own experience with his mother, I really celebrate the meaningfulness of this work.
Aad's certification journey has been relatively short because NVC fell on such fertile ground that he had prepared during his life with many approaches to personal development and he was ready to embrace NVC as a comprehensive spiritual practice.
I have been impressed by his commitment, dedication and willingness to open up to the painful areas of his being as well as joy. I am touched by the deep personal process that was stimulated by his assessment and the way he held his vulnerability.
Aad has not attended an IIT, and I am satisfied that he got the immersive experience from attending Leelab, festivals and other trainings and that he has covered the curriculum, so very happy to support him to join our community of certified trainers.

From Aad:

I read Marshall's book in 2010, which was my first encounter with NVC. I felt really inspired by the clarity, simplicity, and depth. I also thought this is easy; I got this…! ;-)

When I attended my first NVC training in 2018, I realized that I had only understood the mechanics… This is where my journey really started.

In the years after, I have come to regard NVC as a deep and comprehensive (spiritual) practice. And I feel very grateful for this. It has been like a ‘coming home’ for me. It is meeting my needs for meaning, connection, autonomy, authenticity, inner peace, and joy. And especially in my close relations (wife, children, mother, friends), I’m filled with gratitude and joy for the depth and richness that NVC has brought there.

What I value very much is that NVC provides guidelines (rather than a ‘rulebook’), which meets my need for freedom of choice, equality, respect, and integrity.

I have worked as a trainer in the context of leadership development and collaboration for about 20 years. In 2015 I started to feel frustration and restlessness and I realized that my need for meaning and purpose was no longer met in my work. With NVC, I have revitalized the passion in my work.

In 2023 I have stopped my old business and started a new one, of which the core purpose is to ‘bring’ NVC to ‘regular’ organizations. I feel energized and determined as I’m doing what I deeply believe in now, offering a way to create needs-based work settings. And it’s getting traction. For me - amongst others – this is about compassion, care, belonging, attending to the greater good, safety, learning, personal growth, and space for truth (etc.).

Regarding the certification track, I’m grateful for the connection with the NVC community, especially my assessor. It has provided a safe space to try out ‘new ways’ in my relationship with others. Especially in situations where I thought I would pay a price for it, for instance, power dynamics. I have experienced the dialogues and learnings that followed from this as healing. They were a ‘new’ experience, a ‘rewriting’ of imprints and patterns from the past. I am very grateful for this. This has met my needs for freedom, authenticity, integrity (with myself and the material of NVC), choice and love.


[EN] It is with great joy that I present Olivia Della Croce to you as a newly certified trainer. My experience of Olivia dates back to when she attended the Parent Peer Leadership Program and then decided to pursue certification with my accompaniment.
I have consistently seen her eager to grow and learn by engaging in dialogue and seeking feedback. Olivia brings NVC to a variety of settings, from families to schools and university settings.

Olivia has also offered her language skills to translate NVC events, thus making the work of international NVC trainers accessible to Italian communities. I celebrate her joining our community of CTs.

[IT] È con grande gioia che presento a tutti voi Olivia Della Croce come nuova formatrice certificata della Svizzera italiana. Il nostro rapporto inizio' anni fa, quando Olivia seguiva il Parent Peer Leadership Program con me e Ingrid Bauer. 

Olivia decise poi di perseguire la certificazione con il mio accompagnamento. Nel corso di questi anni, ho visto Olivia consistentemente desiderosa di crescere e imparare, impegnandosi nel dialogo e nella ricerca di feedback.

Olivia porta la NVC in molti contesti diversi: dalle famiglie, alle scuole e all'università. Olivia ha anche offerto le sue competenze linguistiche per tradurre molti eventi NVC supportando trainers a condividere la CNV in spazi di lingua italiana. Sono felice che Olivia entri adesso a far parte della nostra comunità.

from Olivia:

[EN] My main motivation for learning and then sharing NVC has always been related to contributing to a paradigm shift in adult – children relationships. After my first son was born, the responsibility of parenting began to dawn on me and I felt moved to learning tools that would allow me to become a more conscious parent. Quickly I realized I had found so much more than parenting “tools”! I see that many other parents share my desire for more consciousness within families. My goal is to help them become aware of the cultural patterns related to family that we have inherited and, instead, learn to value everyone’s needs. My deep hope is that by healing these relationships we might also heal our planet and our societies. In order to do this, I believe that it is fundamental to create communities in which families may find empathy, acceptance and support.

At the same time, I love to share NVC with educators and teachers so that, more and more, schools may become a safe place where children learn to express feelings and needs, find strategies that contribute to everyone’s well-being, and conflicts are taken care of using the tools of NVC Mediation.

 For me, the certification journey has been an ongoing exploration that nurtured my needs for learning, self-compassion and deep connections. I feel very grateful to Stephanie for being present on my side as a human being (not just in a role) and to all the people who supported me, in particular the Italian-speaking community of candidates to certification where I experienced care and authenticity. Finally, I am grateful to myself for having chosen this path and to our Beloved divine energy for guiding me.

[IT] La mia motivazione principale per imparare e poi condividere la CNV è sempre stata quella di contribuire a un cambiamento di paradigma nelle relazioni tra adulti e bambini. Dopo la nascita del mio primo figlio, la responsabilità di essere genitore ha cominciato a farsi sentire e mi sono sentita spinta ad apprendere gli strumenti che mi avrebbero permesso di diventare un genitore più consapevole.

Mi sono subito resa conto di aver trovato molto di più degli "strumenti" genitoriali! Vedo che molti altri genitori condividono il mio desiderio di una maggiore consapevolezza all'interno delle famiglie. Il mio obiettivo è aiutarli a prendere coscienza degli schemi culturali relativi alla famiglia che abbiamo ereditato e, invece, imparare a valorizzare i bisogni di tutti. La mia profonda speranza è che, curando queste relazioni, si possano curare anche il nostro pianeta e le nostre società. Per fare questo, credo sia fondamentale creare comunità in cui le famiglie possano trovare empatia, accettazione e sostegno. 

Allo stesso tempo, amo condividere la CNV con gli educatori e gli insegnanti, affinché la scuola diventi sempre più un luogo sicuro in cui i bambini imparino a esprimere sentimenti e bisogni, trovino strategie che contribuiscano al benessere di tutti e tutte e i conflitti vengano risolti con gli strumenti della mediazione CNV.

Per me, il percorso di certificazione è stato un'esplorazione continua che ha alimentato i miei bisogni di apprendimento, autocompassione e connessioni profonde. Sono molto grata a Stephanie per essere stata presente al mio fianco come essere umano (non solo in un ruolo) e a tutte le persone che mi hanno sostenuto, in particolare la comunità di candidati/e alla certificazione di lingua italiana in cui ho sentito cura e autenticità. Infine, sono grata a me stessa per aver scelto questo cammino e alla nostra Amata energia divina perché mi guida.

from the assessor, DORIS SCHWAB

I experienced Jochen as deeply grounded in NVC's attitude. He started his way in 2017, and he has been meeting with his group for a long time each Monday to start the week with empathy and connection. So he really let NVC sink in deeply and went through many processes of his own life. 

Working together with him, I experienced eye level from the first moment, which is not natural for a candidate with his assessor.

As a man being finally married to a man, he had a lot of possibilities to work with triggers around that topic within his family and other people, and what fascinates me is how calm, open, and warm he meets all these situations! 

In his work as a psychologist, he works with LGBTIQ people and in intercultural dialogue. He organized the participation of an intercultural and interreligious alliance with Turkish, Muslim, and Jewish people on Christopher Street Day 2023 in Stuttgart. Also, there, he meets a lot of challenges in encountering people with NVC attitudes and spreading NVC in these circles. 

I am so happy that he has joined the NVC community! Welcome Jochen!


Together with Edith and Irmtraud

from Jochen:

In 2017, I was looking for a method that would enable me as a psychological counselor to be more on an eye level with my clients. I came across NVC. It was a surprise to realize that I could use NVC to put my entire work and even my private life on a new basis. It was particularly important for me to learn that it is good to have needs! What has changed for me as a result? I am better in touch with myself and others, more relaxed, enjoy life more, and navigate conflicts better. I wish I had learned about NVC earlier in my life.

I am happy about the "giraffe friends" that I met on my NVC path. Knowing that there are people around the world who are working with NVC on the vision of a peaceful world gives me a lot of hope. I am, therefore happy to be part of the NVC community and to contribute to its further expansion.

The certification process helped me to move forward on my journey. I found the diary writing in particular challenging at first. Now I'm happy to be able to see my progress. Being accompanied by fellow travellers, trainers and assessors was exciting and made me want to do more.


from the assessor, SYLVIA HASKVITZ

So pleased and honored to accompany Amanda on her certification journey. We first met in person at CALFING (9 day IIT like event) in VA in 2018.

She joined us again in 2022 for our CALFING event where in community with 5 others she completed her pre-assessment. More recently, she supported others in the CALF community in creating a trainer certification program within CALF (Candidates/Community Active Learning Forum) and was the first candidate to be certified with CALF as well as with CNVC.

Amanda’s focus has been in bringing NVC to organizations. She has learned from Marie Miyashiro and several others, and “her growth has been particularly rooted in and inspired by Marshall's core curriculum and that of the first generation of NVC Trainers.” (Quotation from Amanda.)

Some of her journey in being a CNVC certification candidate has focused on learning, growing and deepening her connection with her family. I admire and am inspired by her desire to chart her own path in health and well being deeply connected to her values and what is important to her.

And excited by her ability and willingness to take in feedback, see if it fit for her, get feedback from others in her community and choose whether she wanted to make any changes based on that feedback. During her final assessment, I was very touched with the sense of ease and connection with those present and the gratitude and appreciation her family members expressed for how she shows up.

I really sensed she has integrated her knowing, living and sharing NVC and am delighted that she will be joining the NVC community as a certified trainer.

from Amanda:

I discovered NVC in 2015, stumbling upon a story of how NVC contributed to the reconnection and healing of a fractured family relationship. Taking in the significance of this new-to-me consciousness & process, I felt my heart open and expand in a way I’d never experienced. For the first time I could clearly imagine a world where we could all live in choice and harness our awesome power to connect, heal, transform and transcend.

In late 2017 I partnered with another NVC practitioner, and together we approached Sylvia Haskvitz and requested she be our joint assessor as we walked the CNVC trainer certification path together. She agreed, and in Spring 2018 I attended the IIT-like CALFING Intensive Retreat in Virginia USA. My early participation in CALFING 2018 and John Kinyon’s Mediate Your Life intensives had notable impacts in accelerating my NVC learning and practice in NVC communities.

 My membership in CALF (Candidate & Community Active Learning Forum) nourished my candidate experience over the next four years, as did an internship with Marie Miyashiro, author of The Empathy Factor and founder of Elucity Network, Inc. and the Giraffe Business School. Gaining real-life exposure to Marie’s work in sharing NVC in workplaces around the world, and receiving cherished 1:1 mentoring from her, deepened my interest in sharing NVC in the workplace.

I conducted my pre-assessment with five other candidates in Fall 2022, at my second CALFING Intensive Retreat. Preparing and completing my pre-assessment in community with five peers and the CALF Team was an experience of partnership-in-consciousness that I celebrate.

Processing feedback following my pre-assessment was a notable milestone in my certification journey. Some of it unexpected, it awakened my self-awareness and contributed to my growth in knowing and living NVC nearly as much as I’d experienced in the combined four years prior. It also expanded my understanding and appreciation of the candidate-assessor relationship, and how the quality of that relationship has the power to achieve Marshall’s vision of an authentic power-with partnership.

My certification path culminated with my Final Assessment on June 17, 2023 and was the apex of my journey. The qualities of presence, connection, honesty, empathy, purpose, mourning and celebration that emerged during the two-hour Zoom gathering filled me with awe, joy and gratitude.