Take advantage of United States-New Mexico IIT Early bird!
Dive into the depth of Nonviolent Communication with the trainers of United States-New Mexico International Intensive Training in Nonviolent communication, watch the video and discover free resources!

Olga Belogrivtseva, one of the trainers at the Unites States-New Mexico IIT (September 2024) writes: |
“My goal is to contribute to reducing the hate and violence that can be lurking in us and around us. I believe in the power of individual and collective responsibility and want to encourage people to work together to create more open and free relationships". |
Check out this exercise from another one of the trainers, Karen Starz, to determine if you are speaking in “Jackal” or “Giraffe” honesty:
Finally, if you would like to practice expressing gratitude, this is a simple-but-powerful self-connection exercise for you from Sylvie Hörning. |

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