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NVC Archive

We are creating a permanent archive of Nonviolent Communication materials that will allow future generations of students, researchers, and trainers to benefit from the original creations of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, as well as those who have subsequently shared his work.

If you have created any items — or own the rights to them — we invite you to contribute to this archive! Items donated to this archive will be preserved, protected, and made available to anyone who would like to learn from them, and will include both digital (electronic) and physical (hard copy) items such as:

  • photographs
  • video and audio recordings
  • books
  • historical documents
  • media articles and interviews
  • games
  • research studies
  • learning materials

The archive will be hosted by Appalachian State University (founded 1899) an accredited public university in the United States, and sponsored by the Center for Nonviolent Communication (founded 1984).

This project leverages the longevity and sustainability of these two institutions, with the goal of providing long-term, predictable access for these materials that are available to everyone (and not being dependent on any specific individuals). Items donated to the archive will become property of the University and will be managed according to their policies. This ensures an unbiased approach: no individual or organization (CNVC included) has the authority to remove, modify, or otherwise control what is included, creating an academically sound and well-rounded collection.

Phase 1 is to establish the physical archive and make the items available in-person through Appalachian State University's library system. Phase 2 will be to digitize as many items as possible and make them available on the internet to anyone in the world through the University’s online archive system. Therefore, items will eventually be available both in-person and online, and the first step is to gather the items so that they can be processed and made available.

This is multiyear project and we are taking the long view to ensure that the archive provides a deep and broad view into the origin of Marshall’s work as well as his students and subsequent contributors, and is something that contributes to the credibility and long-term impact of this work. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).


If you have one or more items that you want to submit, fill out the form below. This will help us to track which items are being added to the archive, and also provide you with instructions about how to send your items.

Important: Please DO NOT ship items to the Center for Nonviolent Communication! Our mailing address is a virtual mailbox system so your item might be returned to you, and it will not be included in the archive. Instead, once you fill out and submit the form below, you will receive instructions about how to send your items.


Initiators: This project was initiated by several longtime Certified Trainers including Sylvia Haskvitz, Allan Rohlfs, Alex Censor, and other members of the First Generation NVC group.

Liaison: Our point of contact at the University is Certified Trainer P.J. Nelsen, who is a Professor of Educational Foundations in the Department of Leadership and Educational Studies, Appalachian State University (Boone, North Carolina, USA - map).

Host: Carol G. Belk Library Special Collections, at Appalachian State University


You may submit items to the archive if either of the following things are true:

  1. You own the item (you wrote it, created it, or recorded it yourself)
  2. You are authorized by the owner of this item to donate it to the Archive.

If neither of the following are true, please contact the owner and ask for their permission to donate the item and if you receive it, return to this form and complete it. Or, invite the owner to fill out this form.

Tick √ each box that applies.
Tick √ each box that applies.
Allowed file types: .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .doc, .rtf (up to 10 files allowed)
Drag and drop files here or Browse
[who is the author, publisher, or creator?]
[or do you have permission from the owner to donate it?]

In order to donate items to the archive, a person with intellectual property rights -- or authorization from the owner -- must fill out this form. Please contact the owner and ask for their permission to donate the item, or else invite them to fill out this form. If the owner grants you permission, return to this form and complete it.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is an item that I would like to see in the archive. Can I nominate it, or ask you to include it?

Thank you for wanting to strengthen the archive! Please contact the owner and ask them to fill out the form on this page, or else ask them to give you permission and fill out the form yourself. Owners of the items must give their permission.

Can I submit items in any language, or is this archive for English language items only?

This archive is focused on English language items. In the future, we hope to establish archives in other countries and other languages but for now, we focus on English. If you have contact with a University that could host an archive in another language, please contact us at [email protected].

When will the archive be available for viewing in person at Appalachian State University?

We predict that it will be available in the first half of 2025, depending on how many items are donated in 2024. Ultimately, the timeline depends on the university's library, which is preparing and hosting the materials. However, we have arranged for an intern to help with processing the items, which will speed up the process.

When will the archive be available for viewing online on the internet?

The short answer is that we don't know. Again, it depends on how many items are donated, and how long it takes to make the in-person archive available, which is the first phase. We realize that for most people around the world, online access to the archive is a lot more practical, so we will do all that we can to make this available as soon as possible.

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