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Irena Nitsche Portrait

Irena Nitsche

Certified Trainer since 2025

Master in Arts: Social Education and Arts, Bachelor in Civil Law, Instructor of Breath-Walk and Yoga
Connection in living compassion
Speaks German
Current Country: Germany
Country of Origin: Germany
"To fully empower our place in life, we must first cultivate our center from which we engage in life. When we act from this center we start to harness a force that is beyond what we've known what is possible - Robert Gonzales"

Connection in Living Compassion

Communication, yoga, breathwalking, and experiencing nature are integral parts of my life. I studied communication, yoga, social education, art, and law in Hamburg and Lueneburg in Northern Germany. From 2005 to 2022, I worked at the vocational college in the training of educators.

In 2014, I trained as a yoga teacher, and in 2016, I became a trainer in Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Since 2017, I have been teaching in the attitude of NVC both at the college, and I have enjoyed sharing NVC with interested people in my area. Since then, I have also been active as a trainer in the Hamburg NVC Association.

I got to know support systems based on Dominic Barter's Restorative Circles at the vocational college in Moelln. I am glad that we are practicing a way to resolve conflicts sustainably and on an equal level.

In 2019, I got to know Robert Gonzales and Living Compassion. I was touched, and something changed inside me. I still feel deeply connected to the love, joy, and presence when sharing NVC in the energy of Living Compassion with others.

I feel very close to my family and my circle of friends. We spend time together making music, experiencing nature, traveling, and supporting each other. I am grateful to come into contact with various health issues, e.g., dementia, and to explore ways of aging with dignity and joy. I love discovering ways to overcome conflicts and connect in a peaceful way.

I welcome you if you need company with your conflicts and invite you to find out about the next steps on the way to peace.

“I support people with distressing issues individually in 1-on-1 sessions. Also teams and families. I offer company to parents also with their children or in divorce. I love to explore together with you a peaceful way to dialogue.”

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  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family
I welcome you to find peace in what life is presenting to you. Let's go on this journey together.
“I welcome you to explore conflict and to invite those parts of you that you usually push away. Let's give them a warm welcome and care for them. I want to listen to them and be with your vulnerability. Compassion and presence encourage a process of transforming. Just be with and trust in life.”

Contact Irena Nitsche