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Sylvie Hoerning portrait

Sylvie Hörning

Certified Trainer since 2012

CAS in peace work at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Speaks English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
Current Country: Switzerland

I lived abroad for many years, attended further training courses with specialists from all over the world, and focused on family life and, above all, raising children dedicated.
I have moved often and have experienced how learning the local language and culture brings new things closer and opens the door to mutual understanding.

When I met the NVC in 2006, I once again got to know a new, fascinating language. In order to internalize it with all its nuances, you have to “practice, practice, practice,” as Marshall Rosenberg says. In everyday life, every encounter is suitable for practice: in the family, at work, in the school environment, while shopping, on the telephone...

The ongoing endeavor to integrate the sensitive attitude and the NVC method into my everyday life has, to my delight, already borne fruit . I experience the flow of communication around me as significantly more relaxed and peaceful, which has enriched my life enormously. And now I would like to help ensure that your life is enriched too!

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  • Education
  • Parenting & Family
“Any moralizing judgment, criticism, diagnosis, or expression of anger is an indication that needs have not been met or heard.” ~ Marshall B. Rosenberg

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