Carlene Maginnis
Certified Trainer since 2016
Speaks English
Current Country: United States
"I envision living in a world that listens to ourselves and others, connects with humanity, and leans into life with openness and curiosity."
Carlene Lizana-Maginnis offers groups, classes, mediation, coaching, and workshops, all supporting the awareness of Nonviolent Communication. In addition, she offers online groups and is available to travel to offer workshops. She considers her introduction to Marshall Rosenberg’s book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, a “life-changing event for me.
I want to share with others the ‘living compassion’ for self and others and the connection that happens through it in families, professions, political viewpoints, all genres of life. My love and gratitude to Marshall for this work he has given to the world and to the many trainers who support his work throughout the world. My heart is full!”
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- Conflict Resolution
- Mind-Body-Spirit
- Parenting & Family
My aim is to live the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication, to ask for help from those in my community, to live more and more a life of awareness. I can’t do this alone and I aim to live consciously the interdependence of life.
“A mission I value for myself is to continue to learn, practice, and share NVC as I live the spiritual principles of NVC.”