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Aldo Riboni

Certified Trainer since 2021

Speaks English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Current Country: Italy

I enjoy being part of an informal group of trainers of Nonviolent Communication in Italy, which has formed over the last few years, and of the community of certified trainers and certification candidates that formed thanks to Stephanie Bachmann-Mattei's efforts. I contribute to the online project "Arte del Dialogo", a gift-based platform that offers Nonviolent Communication workshops and practice sessions to a growing audience.

All this is a source of inspiration and made possible several practical collaborations with different colleagues, which I found a great way to keep my work with Nonviolent Communication alive with growth and exploration. Both the certification community and Arte del Dialogo are also chances to experience the creation of organisations based on mutuality, direct participation and alternative economical structures. In the last two years I collaborated with Extinction Rebellion, the civil disobedience movement for climate and ecological justice. This was for me an awesome opportunity to see the principles of nonviolence turned into action, and a reminder of the power of nonviolence for social change.

I'm very glad to become part of this network. I see it as a step in a journey that began several years ago when I first "discovered" Nonviolent Communication and thought it was one thing I had been looking for. I'm grateful to all the people I met since then, who gave me a piece of wisdom, learned with me, and with whom I shared dreams and difficulties. I look forward for the next gifts and hope I will be able to give my contribution to this network.

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  • Conflict Resolution
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family
  • Social Change

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