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Elena Bernasconi-Tabellini portrait

Elena Bernasconi-Tabellini

Empowering people and organisations
Speaks English, German, Italian
Current Country: Switzerland
Certified Trainer since 2015
"My mission is to empower individuals and organizations to thrive thanks to strong and authentic connections."

I've always been passionate about communication. After my communication studies, I have spent over 12 years working in the for-profit sector, honing my communication and leadership skills in various roles, such as PR and Communication Manager and Project Manager, in Switzerland, Italy, and briefly in Turkey. For 7 years, I have worked as Executive Officer and then Chief Administrative Officer for a worldwide non-profit association headquartered in Switzerland. In this position, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with diverse cultures across different continents.

In the meantime I kept growing with Nonviolent Communication and in 2015, I became a certified Nonviolent Communication trainer.

For me, Nonviolent Communication offers practical and straightforward tools to enhance leadership skills and harness the creative potential for building a peaceful and sustainable world. As a result, I am enthusiastic about sharing this approach with others and continually applying it in all aspects of my life.

I mainly work in English and Italian, with nonprofit and for-profit organisations, as well as with schools and parents.

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  • Business
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Education
  • Parenting & Family

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