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Glenda Mattinson

Masters in Organizational Psychology
Speaks English
Current Country: Canada
Certified Trainer since 2006
"I dream of a world in which everyone has an opportunity to contribute meaningfully and joyfully by using the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are most fun for them, and that everyone receives an abundance of financial, physical, and emotional support (e.g., gratitude)."

I support leaders and work teams, helping to resolve conflicts and guide through decisions that include the unique wisdom and insights of each person, so conflicts remain resolved and decisions stick. In addition, I work with couples and families, helping to transform repeating patterns of conflict into patterns of connection that everyone feels good about. I also help individuals identify what’s important to them and how to make it real in their work and in their lives. 

I also served as Training Director for the first Sociocratic consulting firm in North America. (Sociocracy is an organizational methodology developed in a management laboratory in the Netherlands.) I've spent more than 25 years helping teams from Hawaii to Budapest to resolve conflict and collaborate effectively – as a team member, leader, and consultant.

From experience, I know that the most satisfying and energizing experience in life is to be part of a productive and collaborative team (I include families in this), working together to make a difference in the world -- you feel like you’re flying! But I’ve also worked in places where I felt bruised and battered at the end of each day after painful and unproductive interactions with colleagues. Where the same conflicts came up over and over again, without getting resolved.

This fed my passion for supporting organizations to be places where everyone can thrive. Where each person does meaningful work they enjoy and are good at – as part of a supportive, collaborative and effective team, working toward a shared, inspiring vision. I started my first “organization” at the age of 8, and I started team after team in high school, university, graduate school and beyond. Our teams operated collaboratively before I even heard the term.

If you would like support for you or your workplace, book a time to talk with me about your unique situation.

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  • Business
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Education
  • Parenting & Family
My mission is to support each of us in connecting to what’s important to us, and realizing it in our lives, so we can consistently contribute to a world in which everyone’s needs are being met harmoniously.

Contact Glenda Mattinson