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Jan Martijn Jansen portrait

Jan Martijn Jansen

Less stress and more flow and fun in (work) relationships
Speaks English, Dutch
Current Country: Netherlands
Certified Trainer since 2022
"Learning other ways to listen to others and express myself than I was used to, created so much compassion and freedom in me. That is what I want to share with you!"

After having enjoyed working in the administrative sector and information provision/ICT for 25 years, Jan Martijn's interest has shifted in recent years to personal development and the development of people. More and more, he saw the struggle of people around him who were looking for balance at work and in their private lives.

Deep unconscious beliefs often lie beneath these struggles, and Jan Martijn refers to them as "self-created prisons." His goal is to help people discover their work-life balance.

FREE: To celebrate my certification in 2022 and to support your path incorporate Nonviolent Communication into your life, I created the "NVC Help App" in both English and Dutch. I hope that you enjoy this gift and that it helps you to contribute to a more compassionate world.

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  • Conflict Resolution
  • Counseling & Coaching
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family
  • Social Change

Contact Jan Martijn Jansen