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Karin Sonne-Nijhoff

Anthropologist specializing in conflict management, communication, collaboration and personal development
Speaks English, Danish, French, German
Current Country: Denmark
Country of Origin: Denmark

Anthropologist specializing in conflict management, communication, collaboration and personal development. Project management, teaching, consultancy tasks etc. within:

  • social educational efforts
  • employment; the way back to the labor market/education
  • crime, rehabilitation and restorative justice
  • disease management
  • children, young people and adults with psychosocial challenges
  • collaboration and management

Theoretical foundation:

  • The motivational interview (member of MINT)
  • Nonviolent Communication (international trainer training)
  • Violence prevention, low arousal and psychological first aid
  • Neuroplasticity, cognitive methods and mindfulness
  • Narrative approach
    and many other things

Trainer's primary language

Antropolog med speciale i konflikthåndtering, kommunikation, samarbejde og personlig udvikling Projektledelse, undervisning, konsulentopgaver etc. inden for:

  • socialpædagogiske indsatser
  • beskæftigelse; vejen tilbage til arbejdsmarkedet/uddannelse
  • kriminalitet, rehabilitering og restorative justice
  • sygdomshåndtering
  • børn, unge og voksne med psykosociale udfordringer
  • samarbejde og ledelse

Teoretisk fundament:

  • Den motiverende samtale (medlem af MINT)
  • Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation (int. træneruddannelse)
  • Voldsforebyggelse, low arousal og psykisk førstehjælp
  • Neuroplasticitet, kognitive metoder og mindfuldness
  • Narrativ tilgang
    og meget andet

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