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Ken Anno Firmalino

Alexander Technique teacher
Speaks English, Japanese
Current Country: Japan
Certified Trainer since 2019

Ken was introduced to Nonviolent Communication in 2004, while training to become an Alexander Technique teacher. Since 2006, Ken has been involved with inviting trainers to Japan from abroad and sharing NVC within Japan. Together with Shigeko, his partner, they have been involved in translating Marshall Rosenberg’s book “Nonviolent Communication - the Language of Life” and “Speak Peace in a World Full of Conflict” into Japanese.

Ken has worked over a decade in helping bring NVC accessible and relevant within the Japanese culture, contributing to creating strong and vibrant community within Japan, while creating a connection with NVC communities around the world. Ken had been teaching mainly in Japan with Shigeko, but in recent years, they  had been invited to teach at an English speaking events such as NVC Global Festival and Resonance Summit. He is interested in applying NVC in order to live an authentic life.

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