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Leontine Keijzer Gango portrait

Leontine Keijzer Gango

Speaks Dutch, French
Current Country: Netherlands
Certified Trainer since 2020


  • Nonviolent Communication training
  • Mediation with tools of Nonviolent Communication
  • Coaching personal development
  • Training and coaching in intercultural competencies
  • Personal development and meaning based on Christian values
  • Group dynamics / coaching with the African philosophy "Ubuntu: I am because we are"
  • Coaching in Dutch and French

Trainer's primary language


  • Verbindende / geweldloze communicatie trainingen
  • Mediation met tools van nonviolent communication
  • Coaching persoonlijke ontwikkeling
  • Trainingen en coaching in interculturele competenties
  • Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en zingeving vanuit Christelijke waarden
  • Groepsdynamica / -coaching met de Afrikaanse filosofie "Ubuntu: Ik ben omdat wij zijn"
  • Coaching in het Nederlands en Frans

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  • Conflict Resolution
  • Counseling & Coaching

Contact Leontine Keijzer Gango