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Maialen Etxart portrait

Maialen Etxart

Trainer / Entrenatzailea
Speaks French, Spanish
Current Country: France
Country of Origin: France
Certified Trainer since 2022

Maialen lives in the Basque Country and even if today her language is not official, she transmits the CNV in Basque language, in Euskara. On a daily basis, I teach in a small school, in the Basque language. I like to share my experience and learning in the field of education. I intervene in structures on demand and I am a member of Declic CNV education. I like to listen and discover each person. I also like to share what I am, my experiences and learning, in the service of the other.

I like to take care of the group and everyone in the group! I am curious to put the CNV at the service of other fields that I know less or not. I am passionate about innovative organizational systems that promote listening and equivalence among all human beings. I intervene at the request of associations or companies. I like to see the links re-weave and creativity springs from conflicts when we dare to address them! I like to go where I’m invited, experience, and learn from every situation.

Possible services:

Training for all audiences

Trainer's primary language

Maialen naiz. Euskal Herrian bizi naiz, eta nire hizkuntza gaurregun ez bada ofiziala ere, euskaraz irakasten dut Komunikazio Ez Bortitza. Egunerokoan, ikastola batean irakasten dut. Maite dut nire esperientzia eta irakaspenak besteekin partekatzea, bereziki hezkuntza arloan. Gutiago edo batere ezagutzen ez ditudan arloetan ere KEBaren erabiltzea eta ezagutaraztea maite dut.

Bestalde, jende guzien arteko baliokidetasuna eta elkar entzutea lehenesten duten antolakuntza ereduek bereziki interesatzen naute. Azkenik, maite dut ikustea gatazken aipatzera ausartzen garelarik, harremanak nola berriz lotzen diren eta zer nolako sormena agertzen den. Egunerokoan ikastolan irakasten jarraiki nahi dut, eskaera eta gomita ezberdinei erantzunez ahal dudan heinean, lehentasunez nire arloa den hezkuntzan.

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Before giving empathy to others, I must first give it to myself. / Enpatia besteari eman aitzin, neure buruari eman behar diot lehenik.

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