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Malgorzata Piotrowska Portrait

Malgorzata Piotrowska

Masters in Psychology, Need-based coaching, Mediation based on NVC
Holding the space for connection
Speaks English, Polish
Current Country: Poland
Country of Origin: Poland
Certified Trainer since 2024
"I see empathy as something we cannot give or teach, but rather a space that we can hold for ourselves and others to remember and come back to this natural state of being in connection with our emotions, needs and each other."

I came across NVC when being a mom of a two year old in 2016. It was a game-changer for me. Having a master's degree in psychology, I really wanted to find a different approach to parenting than what I learned during my studies. Seeing my toddler's behaviour through the lens of needs rather than rebellion that all psychology books were telling about was heart and mind-opening. I immediately wanted to share this perspective with other parents and teachers. I was reading one book after another and attending almost all the workshops with NVC trainers that were available in Cracow at that time - and there were a lot. And also at the same time I started sharing empathic communication with parents in my daughter's kindergarten, being inspired by the sentence I read in one of Marshall's books "Everything that's worth doing is worth doing imperfectly." I know I inspired many parents at that time.

Since then - I became a mother of two, and parents and teachers became the main focus in my NVC work. I love to get inspiration and new perspectives each time I am in the role of participant or a trainer. I also work with teams in nonprofit organisations and companies. I love exploring what is alive and important for people within the group, and accompany them through getting to know this new path. I love seeing these softening and releasing moments when becoming aware of needs support people in seeing themselves, their kids, partners, coworkers, and passers-by with more loving and understanding eyes.

I see empathy as something we cannot give or teach, but rather a space that we can hold with our eyes, posture, intention, sometimes words, for ourselves and others to remember and come back to this natural state of being in connection with our emotions and needs.
NVC helped me through some dark times - to connect with myself, seek support and find words for my inner experience.

It also was a spark to start my journey with expressing myself through painting and start to embrace my sensitivity and vulnerability. Some of my paintings were inspired by my experiences and inner-discoveries during NVC workshops. I really enjoy combining NVC with creative work - I had a lot of fun designing my own set of Emotions Cards which include suggestions of similar emotions and met or unmet needs that the emotion can be pointing to on the back of the card, card game "Play with empathy" that helps to know and integrate NVC fundamentals and also coming up with 365 questions that help to connect with oneself and the feeling of gratitude.

Contact with nature is a huge part of my life and my basic self-regulation strategy. I easily fall in delight and excitement looking at dandelions dressed in water drops shining in the sunlight like diamonds, encountering wild animals during my daily walks, or experiencing the majesty of mountains and starry sky. The future of nature, earth and all its inhabitants is dear to my heart.

“I would love NVC perspective to be known to more people, especially to parents, teachers and other adults working with children. I share NVC through trainings in schools, preschools and organisations. I also support people in 1-on-1 sessions of NVC-based mediations to work through conflicts and help them see each other and connect on the level of needs to bring more peace, understanding and harmony in the world.”

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I hold the safe and welcoming space for you to see, hear and connect with yourself and your inner power.
“I dream about the world in which people are connected to their inner power and act from the place of self-connection, choice and love. I would love to connect and work together with other trainers around the world to spread the NVC perspective where it didn't arrive yet.”

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