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Nathalie Genton-Tirard

Coach, Médiateur, Accompagnant individuel / Coach, Mediator, Individual accompanist
Speaks English, French, German
Current Country: France
Certified Trainer since 2019

Nathalie Genton-Tirard is a graduate of ESCP, of the Coaching Institute the Co-Active Training Institute, and a certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication by the CNVC. She works with a variety of audiences, whether in companies, institutions, in the helping relationship and health sectors, to make relationships more fruitful and strengthen team cohesion in the service of common objectives.

She is Qualiopi certified and her training is eligible for Continuing Professional Training.

Trainer's primary language

Nathalie Genton-Tirard est Diplômée de l’ESCP, de l’institut de Coaching the Co-Active Training Institute, et Formatrice certifiée en Communication NonViolente par le CNVC. Elle intervient auprès de publics variés que ce soit en entreprise, en institutions, dans le secteur de la relation d’aide et de la santé pour rendre les relations plus fructueuses et renforcer la cohésion des équipes au service d’objectifs communs.

Certifié Qualiopi, ses formations sont éligibles à la Formation Professionnelle Continue.

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  • Parenting & Family

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