Tadesse Hussein
Certified Trainer since 2020
Tadesse Hussein is an educator and he uses this powerful communication model in both his work and personal life. Hussein is a native Ugandan and speaks six local languages. He has more than 25 years of experience in working with schools and Educational non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
As a native Ugandan, he is passionate about shaping the future that works for all through education and is currently the only certified Nonviolent Communication trainer in Uganda.
For 14 years, Tadesse worked as the Executive Director of One School at a Time, an NGO working in the rural districts of Uganda. This organization developed partnerships with primary and secondary schools to improve the quality of education, harmonious relationships between parents, students, teachers and school officials to support children not only to survive but to thrive. Specific programs focused on keeping girls in schools, supporting them with menstrual supplies so that they could complete their education.
Giraffe Educate Foundation is a fully registered NGO, based in Uganda, that works to improve performance, quality and sustainability of rural, impoverished schools in Uganda. We promote a community-driven approach that engages the school community, school board, teachers and students.
The approach empowers schools to identify their own needs and to successfully develop and implement their own five-year plans. We focus on long-term solutions that improve the lives and motivate communities, and we use practical technologies that can be maintained locally and are easy to sustain.
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