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Thomas Stelling

Trainer, Coach, Mediator
Speaks English, German
Current Country: Germany
Certified Trainer since 2014

Born in 1967 in the North of Germany with a long lineage of ancesters from that region.
I have almost always been very interested in social change. But neither studying social sciences, history, or the activism of non-governmental organizations made much sense ...

Then in 2004 I encountered Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and met Marshall Rosenberg in Switzerland. Since then, I learned especially from Beate Ronnefeldt, Markus Sikor/Fischer, Kelly Bryson, Monika Flörchinger, Laurence Reichler, and many others.

Since 2009 I run yearlong NVC programs around Lake Constance. I love supporting people for some years in their personal (and sometimes also professional) development, offering also "Empathic Coaching," "NVC Mediation," and "NVC Leadership."

Apart from trainings, I facilitate, I coach and mediate people — and support social organizations in team development or organizational development.

I have trained in NARM (Therapy of Complex Trauma) a couple of years with Laurence Heller and have studied with Thomas Hübl (Transparent Communication/Collective Trauma) since 2008. 

I currently follow a project to research and lecture about the roots of NVC (in  German). These are the one's I look at (with date of birth):

1869 Mahatma Gandhi: Gewaltfreiheit

1878 Martin Buber: Begegnung und „Ich und Du“ 

1900 Erich Fromm: Haben und Sein

1902 Carl Rogers: Empathie, Akzeptanz und Kongruenz 

1905 Viktor Frankl: Sinn und „Trotzdem ja zum Leben sagen“ 

1905 Dag Hammarskjöld: UN und Mystik

1906 Hannah Arendt: Gehorsam und die „Banalität des Bösen“

1908 Abraham Maslow: Hierarchie der Bedürfnisse

1921 Paulo Freire: Pädagogik der Unterdrückten

1928 Gene Sharp: Gewaltfreie Aktionen

1929 Martin Luther King jr.: Gewaltfreiheit und Bürgerrechtsbewegung

1931 Riane Eisler: Dominanz und Partnerschaft 

1932 Manfred Max-Neef: Bedürfnisse und Barfuss-Ökonomie

1933 Stanley Milgram: Die Milgram-Experimente 

-----------1934 Marshall B. Rosenberg 

1935 Walter Wink: Das Dominanzsystem und der Mythos der erlösenden Macht von Gewalt 

1957 Alfie Kohn: Bestraft durch Belohnung

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