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From our CNVC Certified Trainers
In person

Intro to Compassionate Communication (NVC) Retreat in Nanaimo - June 2025

2.5 days of exploration through embodiment and creativity

By: Myriam Verzat, Warren Hooley

AUDIENCE: beginner

Friday, Jun 13, 2025 6:30 PM —
Sunday, Jun 15, 2025 4:30 PM
347 Seventh Street
Timezone: America/Vancouver

Intro to Compassionate Communication (NVC) Retreat in Nanaimo
Fri 13 Jun 2025 6:30 PM - Sun 15 Jun 2025 4:30 PM PDT
 Silent Motion Yoga Studio, V9X1R8
An introduction to Compassionate Communication (NVC) -


Friday June 13 at 6:30pm to Sunday June 15 at 4:30pm
Friday 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm


At Dharti Mata Centre, 2021 Brothers Road Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9X1R8


Recent studies have proven it: the quality of our relationships have the greatest impact on our overall happiness and health. Conflicts at work, at home or with dear friends can add a lot of stress on a life that already has its load of challenges.

Take a moment to imagine yourself fully embodying the essence of empathy. Staying heart centered and curious with the people you love the most and also those who get under your skin (often the same people!). Imagine how much your relationships would improve because you know how to resource yourself and fill your cup of love. This workshop is all about learning not just the intellectual aspects of Nonviolent Communication but also the path to fully embodying the consciousness

What if you could be fully yourself and honor your own needs AND meet others with care and empathy?

During this training, you will be invited to let down your guard and truly connect with each other. If you would like to bring more authenticity and connection in all your relationships, but also to be more kind to yourself, then this is the right place for you.


The workshop is based on a body of work known as Nonviolent Communication, a revolutionary approach now worldly renowned, developed by Marshall Rosenberg.

- Connect to yourself at any time to find what is really important to you

- Express your true self to others without judgments or criticisms

- Listen deeply to someone else’s truth even when you hear judgment or criticism

- Engage in difficult and challenging conversations with a big dose of empathy


This workshop will help you to

** be able to deal with conflict and difficult relationship with more fluidity, confidence and trust

** develop a better relation to yourself that helps you in moments of intense emotions

** increase your capacity to listen to people that are dear to you and improve the quality of your relationships

** develop the capacity to talk to people you find hard to talk to

** go faster to a win-win solution that works for everyone!


The workshop isn't theoretical: after each piece of new information, concrete exercises will help the participant to integrate and apply it to their daily lives. Myriam and Warren affectionately refer to themselves as ‘creative facilitators’. This means fusing their facilitation with highly interactive, imaginative and artistic approaches. Myriam and Warren have accumulated decades of experience in interactive theater and movement based learning and use exercises that include improvisation, forum theater and playback theater. No experience in theater or dance is necessary, and there will be a lot of choice around how to engage in the exercises.

"Myriam and Warren are a strong facilitation team who embody the authenticity and compassion that they teach through NVC, with each other, with themselves and with all participants. In such a challenging time in our collective story, these two set a diverse group of people at ease with caring and consideration that allowed us all to access the learning and dive deep within to understand ourselves better in the context of interactions with others. It was a privilege to learn with them. They wove together powerful personal stories, references to supporting research, knowledge of the histories of NVC and many practical opportunities to bring the learning to life in a meaningful way. I found the workshop a uniquely safe experience that allowed me to be in touch with new layers of my vulnerabilities. Their work with us also supported the growth of new connections to inner strength and each other with purposeful awareness that cultivates more compassionate communication."

" I had a profound experience with Myriam and Warren. It was everything I could have hoped for and more. I feel like I left with a solid understanding of how to listen and contain myself and others on a deeper emotional level. I also gained a better understanding of my boundaries and how to be assertive. Their creativity, spirit and love for NVC is contagious. I look forward to joining them for level two."

"Hearing Myriam & Warren share their own life experiences of how this way of communicating has impacted them in their own lives was very impactful for me. I felt hopeful that I could continue with my own practice of using NVC in my daily life. My need to feel optimistic about humanity was nourished after being part of this workshop."

"Myriam and Warren bring amazing warmth and care to their work. They’re super responsive to participants and they create a safe and supportive group culture. They hold space for heavy feelings while still filling the workshop with humour and fun."



You’re welcome to camp on site if you would like that. Please add that option to your registration.



Tea, coffee, snacks and a delicious vegan lunch and dinner are available. Please buy another ticket to book for lunches or snacks and mention any allergies when registering.

"The food was absolutely amazing and delicious! It was so great to not have to think about preparing and bringing food. Leila puts so much time and care into every meal." (A past participant)


Health measures and cancellations
The retreat will happen following the restrictions in place during those dates.

Cancellation policy:

– More than 7 days before the workshop: 100% refund minus 15$ of administrative fees

– Between 7 days and 48 hours before the workshop: 50% refund

– Less than 48 hours before the workshop: no refund unless someone takes your place


Price for 14 hours of training:

Regular - $425

Supported - $295

Supporter or professional - $550


*** How to decide how much to pay? **

The money you contribute helps me to sustain my work. On average, I need each participant to pay around the regular price to have those workshops sustainable. And I know this amount of money is not easily available for everyone. If you contribute more than the regular amount, you help someone else come to the workshop who couldn't otherwise.

Consider paying less on the scale if you.

- are supporting children or have other dependents

- have significant debt

- have medical expenses not covered by insurance

- receive public assistance

- have immigration-related expenses

- are an elder with limited financial support

- are an unpaid community organizer

- are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

Consider paying more on the scale if you:

- own the home you live in

- have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

- travel recreationally

- have access to family money and resources in times of need

- work part time by choice

- have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.) Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, I ask you to recognize this as a choice.

If the supported amount is still a barrier, please communicate with me, I am sure we can find creative ways for you to contribute other than money :)




Myriam is a CNVC ( certified trainer in NonViolent Communication based in Nanaimo, BC, Canada. She has a Master’s degree in communication, a certificate in environmental education and five years of training and sharing NonViolent Communication. She shares her passion for NVC with individuals, schools and organizations around British Columbia and beyond. Her dream is to empower organizations and individuals to build a more compassionate and sustainable world. She is also a dancer and a nature lover.To know more about her, visit:


Warren Hooley comes from the (Okanagan) Territory in Penticton, British Columbia. Having mixed roots of Okanagan, English and Ukrainian and growing up in both western and indigenous worlds, Warren sees himself as a bridge, helping both sides move from polarity to deeper connection. For the past 10 years, Warren has passionately facilitated over 1500 workshops on the topics of Compassionate Communication, Indigenous ‘Allyship’ and Decolonization. Today, living in Vancouver BC, Warren is dedicated to helping create a world where everyone can thrive and succeed to their own definition. His work is focused on teaching the tangible skills for healthy, happy and sustainable relationships.


  • Conflict Resolution
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