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Funraising webinars for IIT in Poland feedback form

This Fundraiser took place by Zoom from 08-Jan-2024 to 10-Jan-2024 with simultaneous translation English/Polish. 17 Certified Trainers and Assessors offered 15 workshops and there was an empathy café available during whole event. 

It was organized by Anna Garbacz, Brygida Dynisiuk and their team.

Thank you for contributing to the attendance of the Polish Certification candidates to the International Intensive Training that will begin in Poland on 15-March-2024

Thank you for answering these questions! This will allow us to organizer better events for you in the future. 

Click here if you would like to have a look at the Fundraiser's webpage

We prefer to know who gave us these comments in case we are inspired to reach out to you. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, leave this field blank.
In case we would like to contact you. If you prefer to stay anonymous, leave blank.
What needs of yours were met?
How well did the trainers' communication style, guidance, and support contribute to your experience at this event? Could you give us some specific observations?
CNVC, the Fundraiser organizers and the trainers would like to use your answer to this question when we describe future events.
What could we have done differently to make your experience better?
How well did the Organizer's communication style, guidance, and support contribute to your experience at this event?
What exactly would make your experience better? In terms of communication, translation, length, support...