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Brygida Dynisiuk portrait

Brygida Dynisiuk

Mediatorka i Coach relacji
Speaks English, Polish
Current Country: Poland
Certified Trainer since 2019
"My mission is to spread the attitude of appreciation and recognition of yourself and who you already are now. The way to realise the mission is to see the abundance we experience, the recognition of what we have already achieved, and the contribution of those who have contributed to it, and thus the beauty of interdependence. Appreciation of what I perceive as a way to build relationships in which disputes and differences are resolved peacefully."

Brygida Dynisiuk specializes in working with teams that want to develop in the area of partner cooperation. She facilitates difficult conversations and conducts mediations.

I care about building a world where there is more peace, mutual understanding and support. I believe that our personal choices affect and shape the reality we live in. That is why I support in going through conflict by offering mediation and repair circles, I accompany in personal development by conducting coaching sessions and I help in integrating NVC awareness during workshops.

Trainer's primary language

Zależy mi na budowaniu świata, w którym jest więcej pokoju, wzajemnego zrozumienia i wsparcia. Wierzę, że nasze osobiste wybory wpływają i kształtują rzeczywistość w jakiej żyjemy. Dlatego wspieram w przechodzeniu przez konflikt oferując mediacje i kręgi naprawcze, towarzyszę w rozwoju osobistym prowadząc sesje coachingowe oraz pomagam w integrowaniu świadomości NVC podczas warsztatów

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  • Business
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family

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