Peace starts with you!
4-day NVC retreat in Ticino, Switzerland
Join our NVC Retreat “Peace starts with you” in Ces, Ticino, Switzerland, 20-24 August 2025: An introduction to Nonviolent Communication with many body-oriented activities contributing to more awareness.
Registration: by 20 July the latest.
It can be combined with a creative dance retreat based on the Tamalpa Life Art Process, taking place prior to our retreat:
Spread the word by distributing it amongst your friends and colleagues.
Course content:
This retreat provides a comprehensive introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to Marshall Rosenberg. With practical exercises and lifelike scene design, you can learn ways of inner and outer peace. It is an opportunity to get in contact with yourself and others in an authentic way. Experience NVC as a “game changer” and “peace maker” thanks to its “energy of needs”.
To complement communication with awareness and body presence, we will explore optional activities like morning bathing at the waterfall, Qi Gong in nature, land art exercises from the Tamalpa Life-Art concept, NVC-Dyads (meditations for pairs), BodyNVC-based practices, or wood fire sauna in the evening.
Accommodation and food:
In the Ticino mountain village Ces, a car-free magical place, 2- and 3-bed rooms in a 400-year old house in the Swiss Alps. Or in your own tent.
We will be treated to vegetarian organic food.
Overnight stay, full board incl. luggage transport Food, logging (4 nights) and luggage transport: 320 CHF
Course fee: 320-400 CHF (range depends on your income and financial situation, and based on Sacred Economics.
It’s also on
- Conflict Resolution
- General
- Parenting & Family