Compassionate Communication Foundations 1
Weekend NVC Immersion Experience
AUDIENCE: beginner
Do You Relate to the Following?
- Sleepless nights thinking about conflict or how to talk about an issue?
- Sad because you can’t connect the way you want with people you love?
- Frustrated because you stimulate defensiveness in others?
- Stress and burnout at work due to built up resentments and miscommunications?
- Trouble knowing how to respond to blame or intense emotions in others?
- Longing for confidence in having difficult conversations?
- Feeling stifled not know how to ask for what you want?
Would You Rather ~
~ Express with clarity & ease?
~ Communicate with peace?
~ Create win/win outcomes from conflict?
~ Effectively deal with emotions?
~ Deepen your relationships?
~ Speak up with confidence in any interaction?
Then this Compassionate Communication Foundations Training is for You!
Based on the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD. in Nonviolent Communication, Compassionate Communication, this training offers a new model of relating that will help you have open, honest and effective communication from the heart.
Skills will be built through interactive exercises throughout the training.
Use what you learn this course to create win/win situations in any area of life:
• Business management
• Team building
• Helping Professions
• Intimate relationships
• Parenting
• Community relations
• Public education
• Conflict mediation
A powerful and experiential weekend training in Compassionate Communication/Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Kathy Ziola, CNVC Certified Trainer. Learn to create relationships based on empathy and honesty as you build skills and consciousness with the foundations of NVC.
Training will include connection, information and discussion, practice exercises with coaching in breakout sessions, and sharing insights, learning, and questions.
Minimum number of registrations are needed by May 18th to insure the course will run. Please register today to support the energy of moving forward with all our commitments together. Thank you!
Dates: June 20-22, 2025
Friday 5:30-8:30pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 9am-5pm
Sonoran University of Health Sciences
2140 E. Broadway Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85282
Building - Lin Commons Room LC270
Course Content
~ Getting Going. Principles and Assumptions of the model
~ The Components of Connection
~ Honest Expression
~ Deepening Understanding of Human Needs
~ Self-empathy/Self-Connection
~ Deep Listening and Empathic Responding
~ Expressing with Compassion and Authenticity
~ Introduction to NVC Dialogue
Who is it for?
Human service and health care providers
Individuals wanting better communication!
People brand new to Nonviolent Communication or who have participated in an introductory workshop and want to learn more.
Those wanting to review or renew their foundational training.
If this is you, please sign up now to join us for this fun weekend in June!
- Live Compassion Moments (Store Item)
- The Power of Empathy (Store Item)
- Empathy Now (Store Item)
- Live Compassion (Store Item)
- Ramp Up Your Power to Connect - In Person (Trainer Event 03-28-2025)
- Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level 1 May/June 2025 (Trainer Event 05-01-2025)
- NVC Immersion & Trainer Development Program (Trainer Event 09-28-2024)
- Kathy Ziola (Trainer Profile)
- General