Makiko Imai 今井麻希子
Certified Trainer since 2021
Light your life and connect with the wisdom of nature
Makiko is a CNVC Certified Trainer, Consultant, Transformative Life Coach and Expert in Collaborative Communication and Empathic Leadership. She has over 20 years of experience working in international environment, from human resources development to business consultant. As a communication specialist, she serves in various fields such as facilitation, interviewing, coaching, and writing. She has served several non-profit organizations in the area of sustainability and social change. Her clients varies from large global organizations to small-medium scale; Business, NGO/NPO, Educational Institutes, Governmental Institutes, Medical Institutes, Change-makers, and Leaders, Professionals in various fields. She enjoys collaboration offer unique programs through partnership. She's now based in Kamakura-city, Japan.
生命をよく観察していると、生命には、もっとも美しく洗練された方法で軽やかにいのちを躍動させる力があることに気づきます。生命から学ぶ - バイオミミクリー などによってすでに私たちが実感しているように。私たちは生命の営みに耳を傾けることから、生命の持つ智慧を学び知ることができるのです。
Professional Services
・Organizational Development
・Leadership Development
・Coaching (Individual, System)
I was able to learn through "way of being"
For the first time, I learned that it is so peaceful and comfortable to have people tell back their needs rather than give them advice.
My goal is to show what NVC communication is like during facilitation and avoid refuting people's statements, and instead to communicate in a way that suggests other possibilities. I accepted the fact that there were answers other than my own opinions, and I felt a sense of interest.
In the way of expressing soft things that I know so far, there are times when the meaning is not conveyed in a roundabout way, but I try to conveys it with "softness with the clarity of the message" that never does. I think that you have held a connection that allows you to participate comfortably, including such a way of interacting.
“Right from the beginning, I felt a flow in our discussion which brought out some really insightful discoveries for me.
I believe this has very much to do with Makiko’s exceptional listening skills, plus her command of the coaching lingo, to the point that on several occasions it felt like she was plucking imagery directly from my mind. She humbly calls it “intuition”, but for me it was akin to ESP. That to me is her greatest strength in this discipline. More importantly, that kind of engagement facilitated us to delve deeply into the topics which we had set out to explore. The insight from our session was indeed very refreshing. Makiko applied a lot of visualization to encapsulate the essence of our discoveries, which is extremely helpful for getting at the heart of the issue and retaining the clarity for further action.” – From a Creative Director, on Coaching session
Trainer's primary language
関係性は、力になる。 - 未来を拓くコミュニケーションをはじめよう
「正しい」「間違い」を越えてー 自分の内面にも、外側にも、平和を育むことができる。そんな可能性のフィールドを「ともにつくる」ために。NVCの精神性を基盤とした場づくりを、ファシリテーション、コーチング、個人セッションなどさまざまなアプローチを通じてご提供します。
・ 組織開発コンサルタント
・NVC大学 - コミュニティでの学びを通じた、セルフ・リーダーシップの旅 - NVCセルフリーダーシップ年間プログラムの他、さまざまなプログラムを提供しています。
セッションの始まりから、洞察的な発見を促す対話のフローを感じました。Makiko(コーチ)の抜きんでたリスニングとコーチングのスキルによるものと思いますが、自分のこころに直接触れられたような感覚を覚えました。彼女は謙虚にも「直感」という表現をしますが、私には超能力のように思えました。これは彼女が最も強みとするものだと思います。こういった対話によって、私は自分が探究したかったトピックについてとても深い洞察と新鮮な視点を得ることができました。ビジュアル的なイメージにつながれたことで、テーマの核心に深く触れ、今後のアクションに明確さがもたらされました。 - クリエイティブ・ディレクター
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