Sarah Peyton
Certified Trainer since 2013
Sarah Peyton teaches and speaks internationally about the ways that relationship and language transform the brain, and how they prevent and heal trauma. By applying complex neuroscience concepts to real life, with stories, role plays of research, meditations and engaging dialogues, audience members leave Sarah’s presentations with more wisdom and self-compassion, often making sense to themselves for the first time.
Sarah has presented in businesses, universities, non-profits, conferences, prisons, hospitals, and churches. She is available for keynote speeches, workshops, plenary talks, podcasts, webinars, in-person and on-line trainings and constellation work for families and groups of professionals.
Sarah is the author of four books on relational neuroscience and self-compassion:
- Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing
- Your Resonant Self Workbook: From Self-sabotage to Self-care (companion to Your Resonant Self)
- Affirmations for Turbulent Times: Resonant Words to Soothe Body and Mind
- The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook, co-authored alongside Roxy Manning, PhD.
Hello, I’m Sarah. I’m a neuroscience educator, constellations facilitator, certified Nonviolent Communication trainer and author who invites audiences into a compassionate understanding of the effects of relational trauma on the brain, and teaches about how to use resonance to change and heal.
But it wasn’t always this way… I used to struggle with brutal depression and anxiety. I was in constant battle with a lacerating self-critical inner voice that told me I was worthless, stupid, and unlovable. Before I understood the science of how difficult events impact our automatic brain patterning, and how trauma fragments our capacity for self-warmth, I thought I was just plain broken.
But there is nothing wrong with me, nor with you. We make sense. No matter what challenging feelings we have, no matter how flawed our strategies are for trying to get our needs met. I am thrilled to share what I’ve learned about how trauma impacts the brain, and how we can move into a joyful relationship with ourselves and others through resonant healing.
I dream of a world where all humans have a sense of belonging and mattering, where we treat ourselves, the planet, and the beings around us with gentleness and care. Do you have this longing too? If so, you are in the right place.
- The Antiracist Heart (Store Item)
- Affirmations for Turbulent Times (Store Item)
- Tu Yo Resonante (Store Item)
- Your Resonant Self Workbook (Store Item)
- Your Resonant Self (Store Item)
- Your Resonant Self (Store Item)
- Your Resonant Self Two-Book Set (Store Item)
- Healing Intergenerational Trauma with NVC: Reaching our Ancestors (Trainer Event 10-20-2025)
- NVC Conference 2025 (Trainer Event 01-31-2025)
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