NVC Year Training 2024-25: Knowing, Living & Sharing NVC
Five 3-day residential weekends plus online community calls in between
AUDIENCE: intermediate
NVC Year Training 24-25: Five modules offered in the spirit of Gift Culture between October 2024 and June 2025.
All modules start with a meal at 6.30 pm on the Thursday and finish at 4.15 pm on the Sunday.
Who is this Year Training for?
This Year Training is open to people who have done an NVC Level One training or equivalent Foundation Training with a certified trainer.
ll modules are led by CNVC-certified trainers Shantigarbha and Gesine Schrader. About them. Between them they have decades of experience of supporting people in learning, living and sharing NVC.
Learning objectives
Knowing: learn and clarify the concepts of Nonviolent Communication.
Living: Embody the compassionate consciousness of NVC in your daily life, including spirituality and social change.
Sharing: Get support to share Nonviolent Communication skills with others at home, at work and in workshops settings.
Dates for your diary
Online Taster Session #1: Saturday 8 June, 10.30am – 12.30pm. Book here.
Online Taster Session #2: Sunday 1 September, 10.30am – 12.30pm. Book here.
Module One: Knowing NVC (10–13 October 2024)
Module Two: Living NVC (28 November – 1 December 2024).
Module Three: Healing past pain (20 – 23 February 2025)
Module Four: Transforming conflict (3 – 6 April 2025).
Module Five: Sharing NVC (12 – 15 June 2025).
For more information, check out our event pages on our website, e.g. Venue, Self-catering, Fee or The Five Module syllabus
The benefits of a year-long training
The five modules give a sense of structure and progression.
The format offers greater depth than one-off workshops.
We become a community of people living and learning NVC.
The community offers mutual support.
Learning and living together
As well as learning the principles of NVC, we will also be exploring how to live as a temporary community during our time together. This will include working together on community tasks, such as cooking, washing up and cleaning. We will also be exploring how we make decisions and address conflict as a community. We invite you to bring your courage and self-responsibility, bearing in mind that coming together as a community can be challenging, and conflicts may arise. It is in these situations that we are most likely to grow in our capacity to build community.
Online taster sessions and interview
We will be going on an intense year-long journey, and we want to get a sense beforehand of how it will be to travel together. We invite you to attend one of two online taster sessions: Saturday 8 June, 10.30am – 12.30pm. Book here or Sunday 1 September, 10.30am – 12.30pm. Book here The fee for attending a taster session will be £25.00, deductible from your organisational fee when you register for the Year Training.
When you register, we will invite you to a short online interview, so that you can ask us questions, and we can get a sense if you’ll thrive on the way.
- Bristol: The Life-changing Communication Course (Trainer Event 05-17-2025)
- Online: Transforming inner and outer conflict (Trainer Event 04-28-2025)
- ONLINE: Compassionate Parenting Course (Trainer Event 04-25-2025)
- Bristol: The Life-changing Communication Course (Trainer Event 03-08-2025)
- Online: Turning inner Turmoil into Empowerment: (Trainer Event 02-25-2025)
- Online: NVC in the Workplace – 6-week Course (Mondays) (Trainer Event 02-24-2025)
- Barcelona, Spain: A Journey Into Empathy – 5-Day intermediate/advanced retreat over Easter (Trainer Event 04-16-2025)
- Gesine Schrader (Trainer Profile)
- Shantigarbha Warren (Trainer Profile)
- Diversity
- Education
- Facilitation
- General
- Health & Healing