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Awakening to Life Intensive Slovenia 25

Dyad meditation week in ENGLISh language

By: Iris Bawidamann & Jürgen Engel

AUDIENCE: intermediate

Saturday, Oct 11, 2025 6:00 PM —
Saturday, Oct 18, 2025 2:00 PM
Eco Resort Rute 4282 Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
Timezone: Europe/Ljubljana

How it all began: 40 people from many countries and continents gathered in a seminar house deep in the woods on a hill in Slovenia, sitting in pairs facing each other.

Many are tired, anxious, nervous: ‚What have I gotten myself into?‘ they seem to be asking themselves at 7:00 in the morning. I, Jürgen Engel, am one of them. The two Roberts, two teachers I completely trust, have fulfilled their life’s dream: a week in which anything can happen. A space where everything that arises has its place, and where life within us can blossom in its full beauty and intensity.

I have experienced hundreds of workshop days and dozens of retreats, so what could be new? What could inspire or surprise me?

And yet: What I will experience this week exceeds my wildest expectations, and I realize: THIS is what I want to bring into the world!


  • Health & Healing
  • Mind-Body-Spirit