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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Certificated Foundation Training 12 hours CPD

Radical Skilling Up! 12 hours of Continuing Proffessional Development Covering All the Key Elements of NVC as taught by Marshall Rosenberg.

By: Beth Silverbirch

AUDIENCE: beginner

Saturday, Nov 23, 2024 10:00 AM —
Sunday, Dec 01, 2024 1:00 PM
United Kingdom
Recurring event
Timezone: Europe/London


This is a level 1 / Foundation Training covering all the key components of Nonviolent Communication as taught by Marshall Rosenberg

A Certificate can be issued upon request and counts for 12 hours Continued Professional Development.

Financial instalments and Bursaries available

Goals of the training.

  • The goals of the training are to impart the tools of NVC, giving you the confidence to implement and practise a communication style that fosters connection, clarity, care & effectiveness. 


  • You will gain a better understanding of how communication can lead to unwanted outcomes and see where you can make changes so that everyone has more possibility of feeling fulfilled.


  • You will experience that many of our communication habits are part of our collective cultural experience and are not always the kind of habits that best serves us.  


  • The training will demonstrate that by shifting the focus to understanding the importance of needs, great clarity and understanding will be revealed as to why people (including oneself) act and speak in a particular way. 


  • NVC encourages us to walk towards discomfort and hold difficult conversations - the model provides a method to be able to do this.


  • The model aims to illuminate that by using NVC greater responsibility is taken as individuals resulting in more possibility of choice and reaching the desired outcomes.


  • To be able to clearly understand the difference between thinking, feelings, needs, strategies, evaluations and observations.  This increased awareness enables an enhanced ability to listen accurately and  enables the information that is to be conveyed to land as it has been intended. 


  • To understand what empathy is and what empathy isn’t and be able to grow the empathy muscle enabling those that you are in communication with to feel heard, valued and more open to receive requests.


  • To Understand how requests work and what can go wrong when making them.  Understanding how to keep the connection in dialogue and making SMART  requests so that they are well received and more likely to be carried out.


  • To recognise and re-frame disconnecting thinking and language within oneself and others and be able to translate this enabling deep understanding, connection and more options for moving forward.

Session one

  1. The Nonviolent Communication process and the thinking that underpins it. Experience the whole model in its simplicity.
  2. Become familiar with the vocabulary of feelings and needs
  3. Differentiate between observations  and evaluations, and between needs and strategies
  4. Experience and understand the steps for connecting to our own needs & why this is essential for effective communication.


Session Two

  1. Understand the type of thinking & speaking that disconnects and can bring tension and separation.
  2. Understand and practice listening for the needs of others.
  3. Develop skills in empathy (as it is taught in NVC)  for self and be introduced to how to be empathic for others.


Session Three

  1. Understand power dynamics and how to navigate them.
  2. Continue to explore empathy for others.
  3. Clarity with how to discern when there is tension, misunderstanding and potential conflict.
  4. Be able to practise the 4 choices available to us within any given situation

Session Four

  1. Be able to formulate requests that relate directly to identified needs
  2. Be able to make SMART requests that enable connection and effective strategies
  3. Practising when our requests don't land as we had intended. (When people here demands, when requests are not understood, when connection has not been built first).


This is a level 1 / Foundation Training covering all the key components of Nonviolent Communication as Taught by Marshall Rosenberg

November & December 2024

Saturday NOV 23rd - 10am - 1pm

Sunday NOV 24th - 10am - 1pm

Saturday  NOV 30th  - 10am - 1pm

Sunday DEC  1st  - 10am - 1pm

  • The Training will take place online using Zoom.  
  • I use slides,  diagrams &  handouts.  I am keen to cater for all learning styles and take regular feedback on delivery throughout the training.
  • It matters to me that everyone ‘gets it’ so I check my pace with the group and allow for integration time. There is plenty of space for clarification.
  • Practice in a whole group, pairs and small groups in breakout rooms.
  • Keeping the learning alive by using real life scenarios.
  • Repeatedly zoning into micro learning and expanding out to macro learning.

Is this the right training for you?  This training will  best serve those who:

  • Can attend every session  (I do not record these sessions)
  • Can commit to watching the short videos I suggest and go back over the slides.
  • Have a willingness to reflect and contemplate how the session might impact their personal situations.
  • Have a willingness to make personal changes and  be willing to try a different approach.
  • Aim to practice the teachings afterwards with buddies, practice groups, further trainings.


Making a Booking

  • Requests for attendance are between £400 - £150 for the full training & Certificate.


  • I like to work on a sliding scale so as not to exclude those with less access to money.  If the financial figures you see are prohibitive to you - there are some bursary places - please don't hesitate to email me.


  • When choosing the amount of money to give please consider my livelihood AND your financial situation. Please stretch into the highest amount you are able to give whilst still being affordable for you.


  • As you go through the  booking form there is an option to pay in instalments to support your cash flow. Be sure to click 'pay deposit'  - the form will then give you the option to pay in instalments. You can go back up the form to change the total amount you would like to give during this process to enable you to play around with figures.


'Beth is a highly inclusive trainer and able to provide individual attention to every participant whilst maintaining a good pace and keeping the course and conversation on track and relevant.  Beth is highly personable and approachable and created a beautiful, safe space where people were able to speak openly and at times, vulnerably.'

'During an NVC foundation training with Beth, I fell in trust with Beth's gentle, thoughtful and heart centred approach to teaching and living NVC and felt curious to learn more with her.'

'I enjoy Beth's openness, ease, warmth and personal embodiment.  This enabled me to get clarity about past difficulties'

'Beth lent her sensitivity and grounded, loving presence to our conversations and encouraged me to explore my feelings, needs and judgements around what was alive for me at the time. I felt heard, understood and accepted.'

'Having just completed the foundation course I can't wait to do more.  Beth is so patient, understanding and easy to work with.  The environment is calming and I really enjoyed the pace of the course.  NVC is going to be life changing for me!'

'Beth was very attentive and willing to engage with what different people brought  - her authenticity and honesty made it more possible for me to share my own experience.'

'I felt supported to talk about difficult circumstances.  Beth has a calm and warm manner allowing people to relax.' 

'Beth's session was amazing - she is really understanding, welcoming and open.  I enjoyed how she did the activities.'



  • Business
  • Children
  • Conflict Resolution
  • General
  • Health & Healing
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family
  • Social Change
Lets Support One Another to Lead with a Little Less Violence