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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

The Empathic Leader 12-week Programme

An immersive, practical experience to create the impact you wish and live your values as a leader

By: Nati Beltran


Friday, Sep 27, 2024 2:30 PM —
Friday, Dec 13, 2024 4:00 PM
Recurring event
Timezone: Europe/London

Empathy has been drawing much attention lately as a key skill in effective leadership and thriving workplaces. Being empathic is a human ability that we all have access to. However, relating and communicating with empathy and fostering collaboration effectively are skills that need to be honed and  improved through deliberate practice.

This is an intensive 12- week programme.  We will explore and practice the qualities and skills of nonviolent, empathic leadership. How can you leverage your influence empathically? Learn tools to bring the human touch to your leadership and create more connection. Motivate people from their willingness and eagerness to contribute. Align with your deep values and purpose and create more positive impact in the world.


TASTER SESSION: Empathic Listening Skills

This is a mini workshop to get a sense for my teaching and mentoring style

September  12th, 15:00-16:00 (London), free of charge

Register for the taster here



In this programme you will join other managers and leaders who are driven by purpose and a vision to make a positive change in the world.

Through the 12 weeks, we will create a learning community to integrate the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as applied to the workplace and to leading teams of people or leading change in organisations. Together, we will explore how to bring more empathy to your unique and authentic leadership style. We will use the tools and principles from NVC to investigate our communication and our relationships, the values that are important to us in leadership and what our deep motivators are. We will also analyse what our difficulties in relating to and communicating with others, and explore ways to move forward.

We will meet once a week for 12 weeks for live sessions (plus one hour of practice with a buddy between classes in your own time). In this time, we will explore, discuss, practice new communication skills, look honestly at ourselves, learn to give and receive feedback with more effectiveness and more empathy, find out how to to handle difficult conversations without losing connection. We will inquire into the power we have and how we are using it…

Above all, I hope that I can support you in reviewing your mindsets around relating and communicating, and that practicing NVC can help you shed habits that don’t work or impede good communication and relationships. Through the course you will be gathering a toolkit of  “empathic skills” to feel that you are working more in alignment with your deeply held values and bringing out the best in people,  supporting others and your organisation or business to do the same.


This course has no prerequisite and we will be going over the core elements of NVC as well as other practices to help you integrate NVC into your life and work. My experience is that the students who work hard during these 12 weeks are very pleased with themselves. If they are new to NVC,  they get a very thorough underestanding and clarity on practice. If they have been doing NVC for a while, they start embedding it in a way that feels more regular and natural. 



This course has a strong component of practice. Prepare yourself for an immersion experience in a new way of looking at people and relationships. In the live calls there will be some theoretical presentation and a lot of group practice and coaching.

1. 12 Live virtual calls (Zoom)

Fridays, 14:30-16:00 GMT (UK), September 27th to December 13th

Calls are recorded and provided in video and audio format.

2. Group coaching

During the live calls, we will use real life examples to practice skills and offer real feedback to help you progress. We will review past conversations and situations and prepare upcoming ones. 9 of the calls will present theoretical aspects as well as their implementation, and 3 calls will be purely practical.

3. 3x Individual coaching calls (virtual)

This is where I coach you directly and we customise the practice to your particular situation

4. Full access to my mentoring for 12 weeks

5. Supporting materials

Presentations, worksheets, reading materials, audios, with key theory points and ideas to practice in between the sessions



The first step to register is to schedule a calling call with me. We need to gauge your hopes, issues, why you are interested in a course like this, what the course offers and to decide together if this experience is a good match for you. You also get a sense for me as a trainer, as we will be working very closely. Schedule a call here.

There is a sliding scale, depending on whether you finance it yourself or your company pays for you, and what kind of company it is. For inidividuals, there is the option of paying in full or splitting the payment in 4 monthly instalments.

Schedule a call to discuss further here



I am passionate about helping leaders learn to have a gentler touch with people and with themselves, and to enhance the impact of their work of making positive changes in the world. I have personally experienced how my ability to hold myself and others with empathy is the difference between succumbing to aggressive ways of doing business or transforming tense situations into shared understanding and effective collaboration that leads to better outcomes. I feel fortunate to work with purpose-driven leaders that work hard daily to make as much impact as possible on the environmental and social fronts, which benefits everybody. I love sharing NVC  as a certified trainer and helping people integrate it into their everyday lives and work so that they can walk the path of compassion and positive change they envision for themselves.

I hold a Masters in Neuroscience, a Masters in Montessori Leadership and Education, and a Batchelor’s in Physics. In my neuroscience research, I am currently investigating the role of emotions in how the brain processes language and regulates emotional states. I have been a Montessori teacher and love person-centred approaches to learning and inspiring others. I believe that, together, we can create sustainable change through a path of integrity with our values and to create a world that is respectful to the needs of all life. Lastly, I have written a parenting Montessori-Neuroscience book, which will be published in the new year in Spanish.



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