Mair Alight
Certified Trainer since 2005
Founder of The Withing Way© - based on NVC
Empathy Specialist, founder of "The Withing Way©"
Speaks English
Current Country: United States
Country of Origin: United States
"Paradigm Shifting: We can't get it "right". We can't get it "wrong." We just learn as we go along..."
From boardroom to bedroom, prisoners to preschoolers, with organizations, and individuals, since 2000 Mair has been learning, practicing and teaching the paradigm-shifting perspectives of Nonviolent Communication, increasing harmony and understanding in the world, while offering her own lightness of being.
Mair brings a curiosity and enthusiasm for offering tools for choice and change while accepting people just as they are.
She enjoys sharing stories, songs and images to inspire and connect with others and is adept at using the diversity of her life experiences to offer relevance.
Mair spent 500+ hours learning and practicing with Marshall Rosenberg, originator/developer of Nonviolent Communication.
“My mission is living and sharing "The Withing Way"© -paradigm shifting into the world of being with ourselves and with each other increasing understanding, clarity and harmony.”
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“"No enemy images" does NOT mean we agree, condone or allow actions that do not serve life. It means that we can choose to see the other person as a fellow human being, while also doing what is ours to do to serve life.”