
Marjeta Novak
Certified Trainer since 2014
For over 20 years, I have been designing and facilitating multi-stakeholder change processes; creating containers for unlikely allies to engage in breakthrough conversations on complex issues that connect and concern them all.
NVC skills help me both ‘stand in the fire’ with ease and grace when conflict visits and when translating specific positions and interests to other parties in complex settings. It is a joy to witness those magic moments when people reconnect with their own deeply-held values, with each other, and with a future that calls them all.
On request, I offer training in NVC and/or facilitation skills for organisations and communities that want to build their participatory engagement capacity.
As a trained rite-of-passage guide; I help humans and organisations navigate transitions with intention, grace and wonder. NVC practices such as self-empathy, mourning, and gratitude are crucial allies in the journey.
I love reflecting on the cracks this rich, volatile time invites us into. Please join me in exploring what's ours to do.
In 2024, I moved my home base from Ljubljana/ Slovenia (EU) to the US East Coast – dividing my time between the greater Washington DC area (Reston, VA), the Chesapeake Bay (near St. Michaels, MD), and sLOVEnia.
Trainer's primary language
Več kot 20 let vodim večdeležniške procese sprememb: kot svetovalka in facilitatorka ustvarjam prostor za prelomne pogovore o kompleksnih temah in kontekstih, ki zadevajo vse prisotne.
Veščine NVC mi pomagajo "stopiti v ogenj", ko nas obiščejo konflikti. Velikokrat prisotnim “prevajam” stališča in interese, tako da so ljudje slišani, kot želijo biti slišani (in razumljeni). V veselje mi je biti priča čarobnim trenutkom, ko se ljudje ponovno povežejo s svojimi verdnotami, drug z drugim in s prihodnostjo, ki jih vse kliče.
Organizacijam in skupnostim, ki želijo okrepiti zmožnosti za participativno sodelovanje, nudim usposabljanja za NVC in/ali veščine facilitacije.
Kot usposobljena vodnica obredov prehoda pomagam ljudem in organizacijam navigirati tranzicije z namero, sočutjem in čudenjem. Ključni zavezniki na tem potovanju so NVC-prakse, kot so samoempatija, žalovanje in hvaležnost.
Leta 2024 sem svojo domačo bazo iz Ljubljane/Slovenije (EU) preselila na vzhodno obalo ZDA. Svoj čas razporejam med okolico Washingtona DC (Reston, VA), zalivom Chesapeake (nedlače od ljubkega mesteca St. Michaels, MD) in sLOVEnijo.
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