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Self-Paced Course in English

Advanced Connection Essentials - SEEK & FIND!

Mukti Jarvis


“Seek and Find" is an enriched version of Connection Essentials - a self-paced, start anytime, online course in Nonviolent Communication that shows you vital keys to unlocking a new level of intimacy, empathy, and harmony in your relationship

Nonviolent Communication is a powerful framework that helps couples navigate their emotions in a whole new way, and create a secure foundation of deeper love, strength and closeness.

Seek and Find comes with lots of extra goodies to enrich your learning. You get to dive in deep and discover what no-one ever told you is crucial! If you’re to have a lasting love relationship, you’ll want to know and stop the sneaky unconscious ways you actually undo connection! You’ll also find out how to handle arguments like a pro (so they’re meaningful) and explore a library of coaching videos, so you'll not just learn concepts, but absorb life-changing insights!

If your heart knows something in your relationship truly needs to change, join “Seek and Find” today - revamp how you relate and communicate. Begin to create a deeper, more harmonious connection with your special person - click on the Purchase button.

Don’t want the extras? Head over to “Look and See” - Connection Essentials

Course comparison table:


LOOK & SEE! (fundamentals)

SEEK & FIND! (advanced)




*Access to 4 modules containing 18 topics that will walk you through your own situations as you learn

Downloadable illustrations for easy reference (for your fridge!)

Easy worksheets for everyday use so you can unpack and figure out situations

Bonus: Four Ways To Hear A Message for connection not criticism

Bonus: Being comfortable with feelings so you can relate to ALL emotions better

The full "Back To Love" Course! (~ 2 hours) Spot your unconscious disconnecting actions, and how you can stop them.


The "Arguing That Connects" Guide for having disagreements that feel good for both of you!


Recordings of Past Live Group Coaching - see and learn so much more!


Certificate of completion


All future updates and additions




  • Calm and collect yourself if upset by your partner, so you can stay clear

  • Give up blame and become proactive about your emotions and needs

  • Know what matters most to you at any point, so you shape your life and relationship with clarity

  • Be honest and compassionate with yourself, so you can show up like this for your partner too


  • Listen skilfully to your partner and through this create safe loving space for deep connection

  • Understand how to bring empathy during difficult conversations with your partner, so healing can happen

  • Truly hear your partner, without giving up yourself

  • Listen and uncover the REAL issue so you can address what is important effectively


  • Say what you really want to say with compassion and so you can be fully understood by your partner

  • Express yourself so you open space for connection with your partner, rather than activate emotional distance or upset

  • Speak to the heart, from the heart so you can build strong connection and feel valued and heard

  • Ask for what you want and need in ways that are attractive and clear


  • Converse in a way which opens true connection with your partner and builds trust and belonging

  • Learn to know when it’s time to speak, listen or switch over to understanding your own thoughts, feelings and needs 

  • Find out how everyday conversation heals and strengthens connection with your partner

*Discover Your Real Feelings – video course


  • Approximately 7 hours of video based study plus daily practices.

  • Practice as you go through your daily life

  • Some people like to go through it all and then focus on application

  • Revisit your Connection Essentials portal anytime, lifetime access

  • Let Mukti know you want to join the next Live Group Coaching round


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Transform how you Love: Change Your Communication.