Susan Kaplan
Certified Trainer since 2019
Susan Kaplan, MSW, MPA, RYT, has been transformed in becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer. I continue to deepen living my life with deep intentionality. I work individually and collaboratively through my practice, Listening & Leading From Within LLC. Based on NVC skills, key distinctions, and pracitces, I provide:
- Coaching
- Training
- Facilitation
- Retreats
As an Accredited Facilitator with Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network, I also serve on the Restorative Conversations Circle, co-founded the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Circle and currently lead RMCCN Community Based NVC, for greater accessiblity and inclusion.
My own journey has been rough at times. NVC sounds so easy, doesn't it?! Looking back over the 35 years I have worked with NVC skills and practices, I am proud that I have kept in - working on my own rich inner life with the outer work of social change. In Judaism, there are two concepts that interconnect - repairing the world and repairing one's own self & spirit. In helping the world become more whole with compassionate justice and my own inner work and growth in my personal life - the inner work informs the outer work and outer informs the inner + individual and collective work inform each other.
In these challenging times of separation with a sense of chaos, unpredictability and many unknowns, accerlating changes, mounting pressures to just live a healthy and connected daily life, communities torn apart with violence and separation, our planets call for help - so many forces! NVC is a strong thread that stirs optimism in me - that we can turn towards each other for authentic and meaningful connections that make a difference.
Here are a few of the my focus areas, besides providing general NVC training:
- Restorative Conversations for Families, Organizations, and Congregaions - reparative support to rebuild relationships, inner and outer healing work, changing communication patterns from habitual alienating strategies to new patterns and practices that suport moving forward in more life giving ways;
- Communication as a Spritual Practice - "Finding Divine Sparks" and "Engaged Compassion". Weaving NVC skills and practices with the mystical tradition of Kabbalah, Jewish values and rituals, and a Tree of Life that supports a sense of wholeness., Dynamic Flow of Life (Inspired by Robert Gonzales's work) and interconnectedness. Also available "Movement towards Bliss" - Yoga Sutras and NVC values and "Living Compassion" - Christian & NVC values;
- Walking with Grief and Loss - support for moving with grief and loss - for both individual and collective grief.
- Introduction to Nonviolent Communication, a graduate level 10 week course. As an Adjunct Professor for the Graduate School of Social Work, I offer this course to Graduate Social Work Students;
- Creating a Culture of Care - Social & Racial Justice through a NVC Lens - this program supports organizations and congregations in having difficult conversations, building relationships across similariries and differences and brings empathy into crucial conversations and actions. Also "Power With Your Clients" for those in Human Services and "Sustaining Self & Community" - for activists.
In addition to these areas, I can also combine NVC with other bodies of work, through my work as:
- Courage & Renewal Facilitator®
- Intercultural Development Inventory Administrator® (IDI) and Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory Facilitator® (ICS)
- Forest Bathing Guide® and Forest Bathing Therapy Practioner® - Well Being Practices
- Storyteller & Story Listener® - Professional Storyteller
- Hatha Yoga Teacher, 200 hr and Mindfulness Practices
- Art of Hosting Facilitator - generative conversations for groups
- Walk & Talk® Wellness practice
- Warriors for the Human Spirit
Please reach out if I can be supportive in your vision of work - inner work, (micro), outer work (mezzo or macro) or combined inner + outer work!
“Qualities that matter: Compassionate presence, empathetic listening and expression, dignity, deep kindness, authenticity, generosity, sense of humor, joy, discernment and reflection, intentional actions of interconnectedness, and new ways of action, such as reflective and generative conversations that allow us to access inner and collective wisdom – contribute to courageous engagement.”
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