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Gary Baran portrait

We honor the memory of:

Gary Baran

M.A., Philosophy | M.A., Educational Psychology: Counseling and Guidance | California-licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 35 Years (Retired)
Year of death: 2024
United States
Certified Trainer from 1998 to 2024

Message from CNVC

Remembering Gary Baran:

07-Jan-2024 - We are saddened by the passing of Gary Baran, a widely-known member of the Nonviolent Communication community. Gary became a certified trainer in 1998, and also served as executive director for 8 years (1998-2006), a board member, and a member of the IIT Resource Team. His commitment and service to our mission, and his support and partnership with Marshall Rosenberg, have been invaluable. He helped CNVC become a thriving organization and helped NVC to become more visible and relevant in the world.

In his own words, Gary lived in service of a vision of “a world in which the needs of all people are honored, in which the abundant resources of our planet are both respected and also flow freely so as to reliably meet those needs, and in which people resolve their conflicts peacefully.” In May 2023, Gary wrote, “NVC and Social Change,” sharing his understanding of the potential of Nonviolent Communication to contribute to his vision.

While Executive Director, he aimed to connect 1-on-1 with every Certified Trainer (around 60 at the time), and engage them in decision-making and active participation. He nurtured the international trainers email forum before there was social media or video conference meetings, which was vital to building the community.

Among his many contributions to the field, he will certainly be remembered for his widely-used resource, “10 Things You Can Do To Contribute To Internal, Interpersonal, & Organizational Peace”. This list provides a clear reflection of Gary’s deep understanding and dedication to the principles of Nonviolent Communication. Gary was a professor of philosophy at Los Angeles City College and worked as a marriage and family therapist for 35 years.

We extend our condolences to Gary’s wife and two children, friends, and all who had the pleasure of knowing him. We remember his kindness, his thoughtful leadership, and the significant difference he made in the world and in the lives of those he touched.

Thank you Gary!

CNVC Board (Ted, Stephanie , Martha, Matthew, Manasi Kanya, and Amal), and Executive Director (Jeff)

Trainer's profile

I envision a world in which the needs of all people are honored, in which the abundant resources of our planet are both respected and also flow freely so as to reliably meet those needs, and in which people resolve their conflicts peacefully. I strive to live in harmony with the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and to offer NVC training to the public and to those organizations and institutions that resonate with those principles. I also provide counseling and consulting services to individuals and groups, and help to contribute to the spread of NVC by serving as a member of the board of directors of the Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication.

I have a special affinity for educators, having been a professor of philosophy for thirty-five years, and with parents and mental health professionals, having been a marriage and family therapist for the same length of time — and a co-parent of two for over twenty-five years. I also have a special affinity for those who are responsible for organizational leadership, having served as executive director of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) for nearly eight years, and am especially eager to contribute to the work of social activists. I live in Eugene, Oregon, USA and, since COVID-19 and for health reasons, I limit training and consulting to Zoom.

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  • Conflict Resolution
  • Counseling & Coaching
  • Education
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Parenting & Family
  • Social Change
I am especially eager to contribute to the work of social activists, those who are actively engaged in helping to transform our culture into one that is more peaceful and honors the needs of all.