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Photo of Marcus

Marcus Strittmatter

Speaks English, German
Current Country: Germany
Country of Origin: United States

When I took part in my first workshop on nvc in the spring of 2008, I had no idea what journey I would set off. Until then, I was very conflict-averse and hadn't thought much about myself, more precisely in dealing with my feelings, my needs and my buttons, whose existence I knew next to nothing about. It was supposed to be a journey into my inner being, a listening and feeling, a physical experience that I had never allowed in my life until then. In recent years I have deepened my path to make friends with my vulnerability, because for me it is the key to the connection between us as humans.

I have been a nvc-trainer since 2012 and have been recently cnvc-certified and consider it a blessing to be able to do this work and I´m happy to contribute to greater connection with ourselves and our fellow human beings, to non-violent forms of conflict resolution and to mindful coexistence where the needs of all living beings are taken into account. This fulfills me deeply with meaning, connection and community!

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