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Certified Trainers at the Center for Nonviolent Communication


  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Viet Nam
  • Country - Original: Viet Nam
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

May is the co-founder of To Dam - a creative non-profit organization . She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City and a Bachelor's degree in International Business Administration. May follows a systemic approach in working with people, based on a foundation of universal needs, autonomy and empowerment. May nurtures open, peer-to-peer environments, as the fertile ground on which the multifaceted growth of each individual within their family, organization and community can flourish. May also nurtures her son Lam, whose name means “forest” in Vietnamese. Lam helps May better understand the importance of integrity and congruence in all contexts of her life - at work, at home, and as a human being.


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Changwon Chae

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: South Korea
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates
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Wilnellia Diep

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Portugal
  • Country - Original: United States
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates
Wilnellia was born in France, she found her passion for adventure and discovering the world while working as a travel agent, which was when eventually she decided to move to Bangkok, Thailand, where she lived for 12 years.
In 2005, Wilnellia fell in love with India. It was a walk and a talk with a good friend there that she was introduced to Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which became a significant part of her life. She has dedicated herself to NVC ever since and she is now a certification candidate.
She has diverse passions such as ecstatic / 5 rhythms dance, music / live concerts, immersing herself in nature, and dazing at the stars and human beings. 
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Ruth Proscovia

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Uganda
  • Country - Original: Uganda
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Ruth Olari Proscovia is a dedicated development practitioner from Uganda with a passion for social transformation through the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC).

Ruth was introduced to NVC in 2019 during her peacebuilding work in the communities of the Teso sub-region in eastern Uganda, particularly in the prevention and response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAW). Through NVC, she learned how to build and maintain relationships, partnerships, and collaborations that promote mutual respect for the feelings and needs of all, with the awareness that every human being has needs that matter.

Ruth's commitment to NVC has led her to participate in extensive NVC training programs facilitated by trainers from the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), including a 9-day International Intensive Training on NVC in Tanzania (2022), a 10-day Residential NVC training in Uganda in November 2023, and a 10-day Residential NVC training in Kenya in December 2023. These experiences have equipped her with invaluable skills for facilitating training and discussions that significantly enhance the quality of life and promote harmony in society.

Ruth has accumulated over five years of experience engaging communities and leaders in meaningful conversations aimed at addressing the deep-rooted challenges faced by underserved populations. She has done this through training, collaborations, partnerships, Alternative Dispute Resolution (mediation), appropriate referrals, counseling, and providing empathy to survivors of gender-based violence. She coordinates dialogues among community leaders—male and female cultural, religious, political, and government leaders, as well as policymakers—to influence policies, by-laws, and ordinances that support equality between men and women for peaceful coexistence in the Teso sub-region of eastern Uganda.

Ruth is currently leading a women and girls' social change initiative (the Women and Girls Empowerment Program), which seeks to empower survivors of obstetric fistula in the Northern, Eastern, and Central regions of Uganda by providing them with skills, capacity, and knowledge in civic education and advocacy. She applies NVC principles to offer psychosocial support and empathy to survivors of obstetric fistula and GBV, facilitating dialogues with policymakers, health workers, civil society organizations, government leaders, and survivors to advocate for improved maternal health outcomes in Uganda.

Through her work, Ruth passionately advocates for community engagement, partnerships, collaborations, alliances, and movements among like-minded individuals, organizations, policymakers, politicians, and government leaders to promote policy frameworks that support proper planning and decision-making for national development. Her efforts aim to uplift and empower marginalized communities, fostering a culture of understanding and empathy.

If you are seeking support with the logistics for the 2025 Kenya IIT or wish to connect with Ruth for assistance, particularly with registration, bookings, and general information, feel free to reach out to her via the form at the bottom of this page.

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Nessa Dertnig

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Finland
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Nessa Dertnig discovered NVC for the first time while on a permaculture course in 2011, and since then has studied with a variety of trainers in the United States and Europe. The practice of NVC has helped her create more connected and fulfilling relationships with many people in her life, and feel more balanced, aware, curious, and open. She is currently deepening her practice as a candidate for trainer certification.

Nessa lives and works on a small organic farm in southern Austria with her husband and two teenage children. She also teaches in a local secondary school and is eager to learn more about how to bring NVC into a public school setting and share NVC with students, parents, and teachers.


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Daniele de Souza Putnoki

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Brazil
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Organization Assistant

Speech therapist specializing in voice, actress, voice actress, systemic family constellation therapist, trauma-informed professional and NVC instructor for 8 years.



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Sebastian Lenz

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Germany
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Hey, welcome, I’m Sebastian,

Married, two adult kids and a cat.

Since 2018 my ever growing passion is to live and promote NVC wherever I am!

As a former airline pilot I am retired since 2016, and through NVC have gained a much deeper meaning and a real purpose in my life since then!


I do a lot of volunteer work, in a hospice, in a high school and with elderly people.

I am a certified Mediator on NVC basis, host practice groups in NVC-Mediation, Restorative Circles and NVC.

I give NVC workshops in schools, hospice and communities.

I answer the conflict-hotline of the federal association of German mediators.

I host an NVC practice group with inmates of a prison.

I am a board member of the ‚Network NVC Darmstadt-Südhessen e.V.‘ and co-founder of the ‚Network NVC Mainz-Wiesbaden‘.

I  feel a humble gratitude for this opportunity to contribute to the IIT in Sayda and look forward to this profound experience!



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Amy Dyer

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Sweden
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

My journey with NVC started In 2014 when I received a copy of Marshall Rosenberg’s book: NonViolent Communication, A language for Life, in Swedish. Being bilingual, I proceeded to read it in English as well. 

My initial reason for reading the book was that I was searching for a solution to improve my relationship with a family member, what I discovered along the way, was that every single one of my relationships has shifted, and this without the others knowing what NVC is! The relationship that has benefited the most is the one with me, myself and I.  I have found a level of internal peace, I didn't know existed! I have found a way home to myself, my heart, what matters, and happiness.

I was hooked!

Since 2014, I have taken numerous courses in NVC and held them as well, be it online, in person, in different countries and in both Swedish and English.

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  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Viet Nam
  • Country - Original: Viet Nam
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Khang has many years of experience working with youths, multi-generational families and sustainable agriculture communities. She is a certified Mediator at SEEDS Community Resolution Center and a Restorative Justice Level 2 Facilitator. Khang is currently a Certification Candidate with CNVC. She has designed and executed several training and dialogue programs with organizations such as CoLab International, Healing Circle Global, NEED Compassionate Communication Vietnam, etc. Khang has been working with organizations in many fields such as education, healthcare, technology and manufacturing, to improve conflict engagement capacity. Leaning on her humor and sincerity, Khang has a knack for inviting the raw truth to be told, and supporting all parties to digest it. She also helps teams to rewrite the hidden agreements that often creates burnout, blame and shame.


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NVC Chinese Net

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: China
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

In the past 5 years, NVC Chinese Net has devoted itself to nurturing public, for-profit, and non-profit organizations, as well as schools, through Nonviolent Communication (NVC)-inspired training and initiatives.

We have lovingly crafted a robust and thriving web of communities, with Chinese-speaking NVC practitioners spread across China.

We are now embarking on an exhilarating journey, embracing a refreshed vision that aims to empower a thousand Chinese NVC leaders, while our organization is experiencing a profound metamorphosis, guided by teal organizational principles, to become an exemplar of the partnership paradigm.

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Sandra Caselato

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Brazil
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates


Sandra is a clinical psychologist and has been facilitating groups for over 20 years with her life and work partner, Yuri Haasz, seeking, in diverse contexts and groups, to promote conflict transformation and systemic change towards a more empathetic and life-centered society.

Sandra is co-founder of Sinergia Comunicativa and has experience sharing NVC in Brazil and internationally. Over the years she has been conducting and organizing several events and retreats, seeking to strengthen the practice of NVC in Brazil and strengthen the connection with the international NVC community. She was the organizer of IIT Brazil 2019 and IIT Brazil 2023.

During the pandemic she conducted support programs for health professionals based on NVC, reaching hundreds of people, and she coordinates a project to spread empathy at the Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo.

She was a columnist for UOL and for the magazines Bons Fluidos and Viva Saúde.


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Vidur Malik

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: India
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Vidur Malik is an Organizational Development consultant specializing in Selection and Interviewing. He weaves the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into his training programmes. He's officially registered with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) as a Certification candidate, and is actively progressing on his certification path.

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