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Nathalie Alony Portrait

Nathalie Alony

Certified Trainer since 2024

Bachelors degree fro the Academy of fine arts, Carrara
The art of relations
Speaks English, Hebrew, Italian
Current Country: Italy
Country of Origin: Israel
"I'm in awe of the transformation that NVC has done, and keeps doing every day in my life. It's my favourite tool as a light worker"

I love meeting people on their walk inwards, wherever they are, and whatever hardship they encounter. In Italy, where I live, I facilitate groups in NVC with a course i call "The walk" exactly because I love the idea of accompanying them through a passage, a piece of the way.
In the individual sessions I sometimes combine knowledge from other methods that i practice, such as Focusing (psychotherapy method combining body sensations, imagination and emotions), Human Design and active meditations.

I also love to do sessions, both individually and in groups, on a mountain near by, where I have a special spot in the forest near a river. I find these sessions to be powerful, engaging and supportive at the same time and I inspire to work more in nature in the future.

In the last years, as I have 2 teenage daughters, I encounter many teenagers and had the opportunity to bring NVC to schools. I believe there's a great need for NVC in the education system itself and even a bigger one among the teens; I meet a lot of confusion, anxiety and teenagers feeling alone, lost and many on the edge situations.
After going through the pandemic, and as social media and the digital world is advancing, it's taking its tole on the teen's nervous system, self esteem, communication and sociability. Empathic work is an important tool to help them reconnect to themselves and others as well as raising awareness on the issues they're facing.

I'm working on developing a method that is both light and deep in a way it could engage the students, help them arise self awareness and gain social and inter-personal skills. I'd love to collaborate with other trainers on this huge, important task.

In the last year, I've been offering a free workshop for teachers and parents that are dealing with teenagers having panic attacks. We talk about the reasons for this state and I give a practical tool for staying in those acute moments in full presence and ability. I end each encounter with a sense of contribution, connection and community..
 I'd love to travel with NVC, meeting different trainers and different methods, continuing to learn and evolve with this key i find so at home with...

“I aspire to bring Nonviolent Communication to schools so kids could learn empathy, connection and awareness alongside Math and History. I'm deeply moved to be in contact with teenagers.. I continue healing myself by being for them that grownup I so desperately needed when I was their age.”

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  • Children
  • Counseling & Coaching
  • Education
  • General
  • Health & Healing
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Social Change
“Where the hills are green The rivers are clean The trees outnumber the people and the fire is lid and all there is - is love”

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