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Nathalie Simonnet Portrait

Nathalie Simonnet

Certified Trainer since 2024

Master in political science Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Master in internal public law Paris 2 Panthéon Assas, Paris Bar, CNV mediator accreditation, CEDR mediator accreditation
Dare to emerge through conflict seen as a source of humanization.
Speaks French
Current Country: France
Country of Origin: France
"Conflict frightens, tires, deprives us of our joy of living. Most often, we flee from it, we hate it. However, knowing how to face conflict in order to get out of violence is the challenge for every human being who wishes to be an actor of peace on this planet. This requires considering conflict as a lever for personal development for living, conscious, authentic relationships that serve the growth of each person in the relationship. NVC gives us a powerful reading grid to identify and defuse traces of violence at the heart of the conflict. Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication and mediator international had a vision of creating "a people of mediators". The Emergence Institute is part of the continuity of this dream and contributes to its realization. Together."

Ten years in the legal department of international telecommunications groups, and fifteen years at the bar as a business lawyer, specializing in international contractual negotiations (particularly in information technology), have allowed Nathalie Simonnet to acquire solid experience in conflict prevention and management.

Since 2008, Nathalie Simonnet has been an experienced conventional and judicial mediator with hundreds of mediations in the following areas: national and international commercial mediations, labor disputes, shareholder disputes, commercial leases, crisis prevention and management in companies, group mediations in organizations and national and international family mediations, particularly in the field of inheritances.

She is also a certified NVC trainer from the CNVC (Center for Nonviolent Communication) and began training in NVC mediation in 2011 at the Ecole des Médiateurs CNV*. Her experience as educational director of this school led her to found her own training organization in 2018: Emergence, a NVC Mediator Training Institute, recognized in the profession as the national reference in mediation with the Nonviolent Communication process.

In addition to the complete professional training course to "Become a mediator" provided within Emergence, it works to disseminate Nonviolent Communication in the service of mediation and the mediator position in France and abroad: (Ifomène as part of the DU 2 of mediator the IAE of the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, the IHEMN (Institute of Advanced Studies in Mediation and Negotiation) in Aix en Provence, the law schools - Edara, Aix, Nîmes, Poitiers, Grenoble, Chambéry, Perpignan, Lorient, Rennes, Nantes… – The University of Savoie in Chambéry, the University of Peace in Rwanda, the IAMN (African Institute of Mediation and Negotiation) in Benin…), DU Health of the Sorbonne University of Medicine.

She also works in organizations to train teams in Nonviolent Communication, negotiation and mediation, particularly in large groups (Pôle Emploi (CEO and management team), CFDP, BNP Paribas, Total Energies, Hermès (CODIR), Arpilabe, YFU, ADSSID, etc. She supervises experienced active mediators.

“My mission is to support men and women in their personal and professional development, to become mediators capable of identifying and defusing relational violence at the heart of conflicts. My passion is to learn how to transform conflicts into opportunities to meet and build healthier and more respectful relationships and thus develop more peace and harmony in oneself and with others.”

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Better experience conflicts and fully flourish in your personal and professional life.Better experience conflicts and fully flourish in your personal and professional life.
“My mission is to support men and women in their personal and professional development, to become mediators capable of identifying and defusing relational violence at the heart of conflicts. My passion is to learn how to transform conflicts into opportunities to meet and build healthier and more respectful relationships and thus develop more peace and harmony in oneself and with others.”

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