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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level 1 May/June 2025

Transform Your Communication Now

By: Kathy Ziola

AUDIENCE: beginner

Tuesday, May 06, 2025 6:00 PM —
Tuesday, Jun 24, 2025 8:00 PM
Recurring event
Timezone: America/Denver

Do You Relate to the Following?

  • Sleepless nights thinking about conflict or how to talk about an issue?
  • Sad because you can’t connect the way you want with people you love?
  • Frustrated because you stimulate defensiveness in others?
  • Stress and burnout at work due to built up resentments and miscommunications?
  • Trouble knowing how to respond to blame or intense emotions in others?
  • Longing for confidence in having difficult conversations?
  • Feeling stifled not know how to ask for what you want?

Would You Rather ~

  • Express with clarity & ease? 
  • Communicate with peace?
  • Create win/win outcomes from conflict?
  • Effectively deal with emotions? 
  • Deepen your relationships?
  • Speak up with confidence in any interaction?

Then Compassionate Communication Foundations Training is for You!

Based on the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg,PhD. in Nonviolent Communication, Compassionate Communication, this training offers a new model of relating that will help you have open, honest and effective communication from the heart.

Skills will be built through interactive exercises throughout the training. Following each class, practices and preparations will be sent to you for the week. Sessions will be recorded for your personal review only.

Use what you learn this course to create win/win situations in any area of life:

• Business management

• Team building

• Helping Professions

• Intimate relationships

• Parenting

• Community relations

• Public education

• Conflict mediation

A powerful and experiential 8-week course learning Compassionate Communication/Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Kathy Ziola, CNVC Certified Trainer. Learn to create relationships based on empathy and honesty as you build skills and consciousness with the foundations of NVC.

Each two hour session will provide connection, information and discussion, practice exercises with coaching in breakout sessions, and sharing insights, learning, and questions. 


Dates: Thursdays, May 6 - June 24, 2025 6-8pm MDT/Colorado, 

8-10pm ET, 7-9pm CT, 5-7pm PT

Course Content

Session 1 ~ Getting Going. Principles and Assumptions of the model

Session 2 ~ The Components of Connection

Session 3 ~ Honest Expression 

Session 4 ~ Deepening Understanding of Human Needs 

Session 5 ~ Self-empathy/Self-Connection 

Session 6 ~ Deep Listening and Empathic Responding

Session 7 ~ Expressing with Compassion and Authenticity

Session 8 ~ Introduction to NVC Dialogue

Who is it for?

People new to Nonviolent Communication or who have participated in an introductory workshop. 

Those wanting to review or renew their foundational training.


 Student Success: “Kathy’s NVC course has truly helped me to understand myself more and move forward in my life with self-love, curiosity and faith. I have processed a lot of trauma from my past but didn’t have the knowledge and clarity of knowing the need. Knowing and feeling the need (and sometimes the lack) within, has led to big openings and to life bringing those needs to me as I walk towards them. Truly magical, I imagine I’m breaking through the matrix and so willing for all of humanity to experience this!” - Genevieve Busch 


“I wanted to let you know how much I got out of the class we just completed on Tuesday. I am really understanding myself in new ways and can see a lot more clearly where things have "gone wrong" in my relationships. I love that I'm developing tangible skills to connect with others the way I've always wanted to. I'm using my new skills in my work as a relationship & life coach and it's hugely helpful! 

I also wanted to let you know that I just had a difficult conversation with my Mom and am extremely pleased with how it went. We had several really hard conversations a few weeks ago, and after our last session I realized I wanted to circle back with her so we could understand each other better/clear the air, because I do really value communication, connection, and our relationship. I spent a few minutes preparing according to the materials we went over on Tuesday and then just let the conversation flow. It was really one of the best conversations I've ever had with my Mom. I'm extremely grateful to you for showing me the way to do this!” - Adele Currin, RN, Transformational Relationship & Life Coach 


  • General
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Parenting & Family
Let's dive into compassion and authenticity together. The courage and confidence to do so grows when skills and awareness are utilized to create real connections!