An Inside Story
A Children's Book for Grown-Ups Too!
As Alex experiences a fear of being teased, she looks inwards to discover the true source of this concern: Her desire for love, acceptance, and authentic connection with others.
Join Alex on a journey of self-understanding, as she realizes that her fears are only a reflection of what she wants and needs on the inside. As Alex begins to understand her inside story, watch as your child greatly advances their understanding of their own emotions and needs. Experience a healthier, closer relationship with your child as their budding self-understanding empowers them to communicate clearly and effectively with others.
See what people are saying about An Inside Story:
"An inside story uses simple, accessible language and adorable art to call attention to the importance of what goes on inside us that we often hide. In an age of polarization it serves as a reminder of our commonality despite our many difference." - Miki Kashtan, CNVC Certified Trainer; Co-founder - Bay Area Nonviolent Communication
"So grateful that my grandaughter can tell her mom more emotional things now. She fell asleep with her feelings book tonight." - J.B, mother of two grandmother of 3
"The 6 year old girl, who lost her mom two years ago, came up to me after I read the book and said..'I get it now. It's okay for me to feel sad when I think about my mom. Sometimes I think about her and I feel sad but that will go away and then I can think about her again and feel happy..." - Jess
"Honestly, it was like the [book] allowed me to feel like super mom, to accomplish that which I find really hard to do---bring up the ways we hurt each other, figure out the reasons, take responsibility, and see each other." - Sarah, mother of 7 yr old girl
"An Inside Story ... shows the connection between how we think and what we feel - and the transformative power of skillfully navigating between the two! A must read for all children and adults. It's the book that I wish I had read and understood as a child!" - J. C.
"This book was more amazing than I thought!! I'm a play therapist and told all my Play therapy friends so they can use it in session. Loved it!!!"
"I am hoping that many schools dealing with pre-school children and young children will have the opportunity to use your book and give their children the amazing tools of NVC through it." - retired psychologist and grandmother
"Using very simple language and images, this book helps children ... and adults too ... understand how thoughts, emotions and physical sensations are driven by needs that we all share. More importantly, the book provides guidance on what to do to move forward despite the scariness and ickiness we might sometimes experience. I can't wait to share this book with my young grandsons, and will be sure to use the practice page and discussion questions to help them really connect with the book's lessons." - K.Z. grandmother of two