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March 2024 (2nd in March): Here are some of the newest people to join the Certified Trainer community. We invite you to get to know them by reading their stories below. If you would like to contact them, please visit their trainer page and use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page. You can also see aa historical record of new Certified Trainers since November 2023.

FROM THE ASSESSOR, Katherine Singer

I have known Zhu Jing since 2012, and it has been ten years of connection centered around learning and working with NVC. I was deeply touched by her desire to support moms like herself in finding their own value and harnessing the power to contribute to more people when she began organizing NVC learning sessions. Over the past decade, even when few people showed up at the beginning, she never wavered. In Shanghai, where I am based, she not only continuously held local group studies and practices but also supported the work of the NVC Chinese Net I founded on a national scale.

Throughout these years, her growth has led her to increasingly diverse groups, particularly children, schools, and social workers. Later, she went to more remote rural schools to share nonviolent communication with children and teachers. She said that this was because of the encouragement she received from the team during her Pre-assessment to go to more places where we are needed.

I am very fortunate to have Lui Yi as an Assessor-in-training to preside over Zhu Jing's Final Assessment in person, with support online and accompanied by many community members both online and in person.  We witnessed Zhu Jing's courage, determination, and compassion during the process. Her commitment to guiding more people towards inner and outer peace has moved many. I believe that on this path, she will become a role model for more and more people, especially moms, and will influence more children, parents, teachers, and social workers to live with compassion and resilience.

From Jing:

I started learning NVC in 2011. At that time, I was in the pain of various family conflicts such as parent-child, marital, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It was Nonviolent communication that allowed me to have a deep connection with myself and see more possibilities in life. Therefore, I began organizing read-in, salons, study groups, workshops, etc. in Shanghai, hoping to help people who share the same pain as me.

Because I particularly enjoy Nonviolent communication, in order to better promote the spirit of Nonviolent communication, I started preparing for certification in 2018. The process of certification is a journey of self growth for me, why do I say that? Because I have always been resistant to writing, I feel that it is not something I am good at.

I label myself with various labels such as "poor writing", "slow typing", "poor willpower", etc. Therefore, once I sit down and want to write a log, I feel restless and want to escape. Fortunately, the methods of Nonviolent communication and self-connection that I have learned have supported me. Through continuous work of connecting with myself, I am no longer afraid of writing and have enjoyed it for a while.

I am very happy to have gone through the entire journey of certification, and I am also grateful for the help and support of the entire NVC community, including evaluators, certified trainers, peers, and participants who have made tremendous contributions to my growth.

FROM THE ASSESSOR, Katherine Singer

Since Kyungah registered for certification in 2015, I was impressed by how sincerely she has been approaching every aspect of NVC. As she has PhD in Women's History, she has been active in gender issues. I'm very grateful for her as she is voluntarily participating in NVC training for sex offenders in jail, domestic violence education, and sex education for young adults.

She is also working with other communities on these issues. I was impressed by how she has been working with her family first, her husband and daughter. We were all happy to see her grown-up daughter (and taller than her mother) wanted to come to Kuyngah's final assessment as an observer, and her celebratory words for her mother as a career woman were very touching.

From Kyungah:

To me, Nonviolent Communication has been a powerful way to transform the space between me and myself, between individuals, and between groups into a safe and sacred one. My certification process was comfortable and enjoyable, and it gave me the courage to share NVC as a whole person.


We are very happy to recommend Emilie Chapuis to certification. We appreciate Emilie's enthusiasm for working with different audiences and daring to confront the unknown. Emilie is keen to pass on the NVC process while respecting each person's freedom to do or not to do what is proposed (e.g. allowing vulnerability without forcing it).

In her role as first link in the A-Certif association (Association francophone pour la formation et l'évaluation des futurs formateurs), Emilie has shown how much she enjoys collaborating and, above all, putting her skills at the service of the collective. For example, she has taken it to heart to share her sensitivity to systemics, bringing it to life in the network, and has led training sessions on shared governance within the association. 

From Emilie:

As a consultant, trainer and therapist, I'm passionate about helping to (re)create a society based on connection, emotional security and freedom of being for everyone. Since childhood I've had a fascination and fear for the power of systemic effects on individuals. The 'rules of the game' are sometimes spoken and sometimes unspoken. Very often they generate implicit violence. That's why I first explored group dynamics (philosophy and political science, social psychology, journalism), collective intelligence and co-creation (creative problem solving, consulting) and ways to collectively define the distribution of power (holacracy, liberated companies).

My encounter with NVC in 2017 made me aware that, very often, in my work to bring more tenderness and security into the world, I was in the process of denying my own needs. From then on, NVC allowed me to step out of the 'compulsive caregiver syndrome' (so common among 'parentified children'). I am learning to take care of "me first and only", as Marshall Rosenberg used to say. Rather than automatic empathy, practice authentic expression.

The difference between giving and self-sacrifice,
The difference between responsibility and over-responsibility,
To encourage me to feel free to be who I am.
And to be fair to me, not only to others... This is my personal path!

I've been involved in the metamorphosis of the Francophone certification programme for the last 4 years. This experience of the transformation of a collective organisation by means of NVC and Holacracy, in conjunction with our "sources" in the Francophone world (in particular Anne Bourrit), has been my main NVC school.

Today, I'd like to continue with projects that help to spread non-violent awareness, and with organisations that limit systemic violence. I'm aware that this project is like the horizon: impossible to reach, it recedes as we move forward! But I'm enjoying this journey with the friends I've met along the way and with the support I often need. That chain of friends allows me to confront the way people and systems maintain trauma instead of safe relations.


We gladly recommend Samuel Turakiewicz for certification. We are confident in his integration of the process, which enables him to remain open to what comes up, in the prison environment in which he regularly intervenes. He relies on co-facilitation and mutual empathy as a resource for facilitating in this sector, which can sometimes be confrontational.

He is now keen to spread all the knowledge and learning he has integrated over the last few years and to support NVC trainers who intervene in this prison environment in other cities.

From Samuel:

NVC has changed many things in my life. First, I have learned to listen to my feelings and my needs, which was completely new, and it has helped me to react with a better conscience and better results in my relationships. I would say that I also learned to listen (because talking is a thing I have always been very good at !). Moreover, learning to see beyond the words what the people are feeling and what could be their needs allowed me to trust a lot more the people I encountered in my personal or professional life and less and less to take things personally. I can now connect very easily with most of the people I meet.

It has also helped me a lot to improve my work with the people in prison I was already doing before learning NVC. Thus I can face the instensity of the feelings a lot more easily and stay connected with people. As for the certification process, it was an opportunity to meet other people who had this dream of changing things with a conscience of personal power and interdependance. It was also the opportunity of having feedbacks from the trainers and from my fellows as well as experimenting the differents ways of transmiting NVC. I forged strong bonds with collegues I now work with and it is very exciting.


We are delighted to recommend Astrid van Male for certification. We appreciate her confidence in the process, including challenging situations for her, such as finding the balance between welcoming what the participant is experiencing and connecting with the group in a transmission context.

Thanks to her experience as a nurse, Astrid is particularly keen to work for the well-being of caregivers and the evolution of the healthcare system. She has set up a Nonviolent Communication group in Belgium that works in the healthcare sector. She is also keen to get involved in Burnout prevention for parents.

From Astrid:

Originally a nurse and mother of 4 boys, I have always loved my job, and at the same time, managing it alongside my reality as a mother and wife has not always been easy. In the evening, when I came home from the hospital, it happened far too often for my liking that I shouted, and the atmosphere deteriorated at home. This is not what I aspired to experience on a daily basis! It was at that time, in 2014, that I started hearing about NVC, and it came into my life.

The first NVC weekend in 2016 blew me away! I realized that we had needs... all of us... including me... not just my patients or my children... And that the evening tornado was mainly due to all these needs that had gone completely unnoticed and which were imposed to me and my loved ones sooner or later, but rarely like I wanted it… So I started to listen to myself... Little by little, I set my limits and regulated my energy.

It also transformed my relationships at home, at work, with my patients and their families... Aware that we are all doing our best, I began to listen to others differently and this allowed me to put people back at the heart of my care…


Iiris registered as a Certification Candidate with me in October 2021.  She will mostly offer open trainings and also in cooperation with other already certified trainers in Finland.  Iiris has a strong presence and deep empathy skills. She has worked on her issues around authority throughout her process with a growing awareness. Her offerings are clear and engaging.

From Iiris:

I started to study NVC in 2016 while working in NPO that offered day activities for people with mental challenges. Our work team wanted to have more tools in “challenging” situations with our clients, so we took part in one year of NVC training. During that year, I realized that NVC is not just a tool, it is so much more, and I wanted to continue learning it.

In 2021, I applied for the certification process with the aim of strengthening my NVC network in order to strengthen my own commitment to the partnership model. In my certification process, I have learned, grown, and found more peace in me and in my life than earlier. And even more importantly, I have learned to be present for myself when I am not “in peace.” Two of the concrete changes that I have noticed in me during this process, among other things, are:

  1. to feel an emotion without reacting to it; and 
  2. my ability to observe my own reaction. Also, my ability to be more aware of when I am connected with myself and when I am not (when I make conscious choices and when my actions are guided by old beliefs and habits) has increased.

I have gotten to know many new parts of myself and started to understand my own actions and ways of behaving. It has been step by step easier for me listen myself emphatically and try less to fix myself in certain shape.


Kristina registered as a Certification Candidate with me in April 2022. She will mostly offer open training in the healthcare sector where she works. In the future, she aims to implement empathic communication in other organisations as well. She is active in the “NVC Association in Sweden.” To spread NVC in Sweden and internationally is one of her passions. There, she can use her organizing skills. She co-organized the Sweden IIT 2019 and is also co-organizing the Sweden IIT 2025.

Kristiina has deep empathy skills and a steady presence that contributes to the safety of her participants. She has a clear way of teaching, and her offerings are precise and engaging. She has good leadership skills, balancing theory and exercises. 

From Kristiina:

I came into contact with NVC in 2015 and attended several year programs and shorter courses. To have a community with others who also practiced NVC was a prerequisite for continuing to learn and integrate NVC. I was an assistant on several annual programs and co-organized the Sweden IIT 2019. When Covid came in 2020, there were less opportunities to practice face-to-face, on the other hand more opportunities to participate online. It was then the international community opened up to me. I attended courses for several trainers internationally and experienced a number of different ways to teach NVC.

I was one of the co-founders of the "NVC Association in Sweden" in 2020 and have offered a number of workshops in the association. I also started offering my own courses, both online and face-to-face. I got in touch with Assessor Towe Widstrand and became a registered candidate in April 2022.

One of the biggest motivational moments to become a Certified Trainer was when I participated in the final assessment in Poland in 2022 as a community member. I experienced how the ESEAT team walked their talk around inclusion, safety, power with, safeguarding, care, and openness. This skillful way of leading and collaborating around a group was new to me, and I wanted to learn more about how to integrate myself. It propelled me to participate in several Stepping Stones and final assessment events.

By this time, I had a large community both in Sweden and internationally, so I could train weekly for my own certification. This last year I participated in the ESEAT Certification Pod with other candidates and assessors. I became a recommended certified trainer in February 2024.

from the assessor, Towe Widstrand

Annick registered with me in October 2016 after having learned and shared Nonviolent Communication for many years. Annick is mostly offering open trainings and is also considering being more approaching the cultural sector to offer her skills - she is an artist.

She is interested in the social change aspect of NVC and wants to facilitate processes of decision-making in groups that are on a path of doing this differently. As an artist, she addresses communal living and permaculture. I have enjoyed following Annick on her journey to be more open and outspoken based on growing self-awareness and connection. Her offerings are skillful, creative, and clear.

from Annick:

20 years ago, I attended an NVC workshop for the first time and decided right away to become a trainer. For several reasons, I could not step into the process right away, but it was always with me. For ten years, I gave art classes (I'm an artist) in primary schools and visualized concepts, philosophy, and spirituality behind NVC through art and facilitated practice groups. End of 2016, I enrolled as a candidate for certification. Meanwhile, I became more and more interested in the aspect of social change. 

That's where my heart and work lie now. I give trajectories where we come together to deepen our awareness of the system we live in and what NVC can mean for broader social change.

from the assessor, Susanne Kraft

[EN]  Stephan is a reliable presence. When he's around, I feel the group is secure. He gifts us with his artistic talents: playing the piano for us, reading fairy tales in the evenings—and when he takes a pen in hand, every line expresses what's within him. Over these years, I've witnessed him walking his path with great inner truthfulness—not knowing if he might lose everything in the process. And yet, he has gained everything ;-)

[DE] Stephan ist eine verlässliche Größe. Wenn er da ist, weiß ich die Gruppe in Sicherheit. Und er beschenkt uns mit seinen künstlerischen Talenten: spielt für uns Klavier, liest abends Märchen vor - und wenn er einen Stift in die Hand nimmt, sitzt jede Linie um auszudrücken, was in ihm ist. Ich habe ihn in diesen Jahren seinen Weg mit einer großen inneren Wahrhaftigkeit gehen sehen - nicht wissend, ob er dabei alles verliert. Und er hat alles gewonnen ;-)

from Stephan:

[EN] In the beginning, NVC grabbed me when I read MBR's book (NVC, a language of life) because I finally thought I saw a way to bring up things in my work environment that were close to my heart (or were hurting there) in such a way that the others didn't immediately feel attacked. Then I realized that this way of communicating and thinking could revolutionize all my ways of living with other people and even with myself so that this living together could be more joyful, relaxed, and fulfilling. I no longer have to retreat when someone behaves differently than I expected. I can find out what I need and make specific requests that are often easy for the other person to fulfill.

When someone is sad, angry, or grumpy, I have ways to listen in a way that allows the other person to relax and reconnect. In this way, I can incorporate NVC into my partnership and family practically every day - well, sometimes, that doesn't work out so well. But then, at least I have good tools again to think about or talk about how things could be done differently. Thirdly, I realised that it would make sense to make my experiences and knowledge accessible to others, because it would increase the likelihood that more and more people in the world will create connection and peace with the help of this type of communication and attitude.

This is my vision: to create spaces in which other people can feel emotionally safe and experience the healing miracle of connection with themselves and others, and then ideally bring some of this spirit into their everyday lives. I am now happy to become part of this community of people who, like me, are striving to bring this language of life more and more into the world. Finally, I would like to thank all my teachers, such as Irmgard Wallner, Horst Barta, Deborah Bellamy, Gabriele Grunt, Maria Hechenberger, Miriam Elmauthaler, Susanne and Michael Kraft, Annett Zupke, to name just a few. On my way to this point, I have felt your support and your heart's fire faced challenges, and shared my inner developmental pains with compassionate ears.

I would also like to thank those I met along the way because they set off like me. Thank you for our intense meetings, exchanging ideas, researching, and playing together! Finally, I would also like to thank all those who, more or less pleasantly, helped me to see shadows of my soul that I did not want to see yet and to finally accept them. May my learning and ours continue on the path to what we really care about!

[DE] Am Anfang hat mich die GFK beim Lesen des Buchs von MBR (GFK, eine Sprache des Lebens) gepackt, weil ich da endlich eine Möglichkeit zu sehen glaubte, wie ich in meiner Arbeitsumgebung Dinge, die mir am Herzen lagen (bzw. dort schmerzten), so zur Sprache bringen konnte, dass sich die anderen nicht sofort angegriffen fühlen. Dann erkannte ich, dass diese Art zu kommunizieren und zu denken, jede Art des Zusammenlebens mit anderen Menschen und sogar mit mir selbst revolutionieren konnte, sodass dieses Zusammenleben freudvoller, entspannter und erfüllter sein könnte. Ich brauche mich nicht mehr beledigt zurückzuziehen, wenn sich jemand anders verhält, als ich das erwarte.

Ich kann herausfinden, was ich brauche und konkrete Bitten stellen, die für meine Gegenüber oft ganz leicht zu erfüllen sind. Wenn jemand traurig, wütend oder grantig ist, habe ich Wege, so zuzuhören, dass sich mein Gegenüber entspannen kann und wieder Verbindung entsteht. Auf die Weise kann ich die GFK praktisch täglich in meiner Partnerschaft und Familie einbringen - na gut, manchmal gelingt das auch nicht so gut. Aber dann hab ich wenigstens wieder gute Tools, um darüber nachzudenken oder zu reden, wie es anders gehen könnte.

Die dritte Erkenntnis war dann, dass es Sinn machen würde, meine Erfahrungen und mein Wissen auch anderen zugänglich zu machen, weil das die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, dass auf der Welt immer mehr Menschen mit Hilfe dieser Art von Kommunikation und Haltung Verbindung und Frieden stiften. Das ist meine Vision: Räume schaffen, in denen andere Menschen sich emotional sicher fühlen und das heilende Wunder der Verbindung mit sich und anderen erleben können, und dann idealer Weise auch etwas von diesem Geist in ihren Alltag einbringen.  Ich freue mich jetzt Teil dieser Gemeinschaft von Menschen zu werden, die sich ebenso wie ich darum bemühen, diese Sprache des Lebens immer mehr in die Welt zu bringen.

Zuletzt möchte ich all den Lehrer:innen danken, wie Irmgard Wallner, Horst Barta, Deborah Bellamy, Gabriele Grunt, Maria Hechenberger, Miriam Elmauthaler, Susanne und Michael Kraft, Annett Zupke, um nur einige zu nennen. Ich habe auf meinem Weg bis hierher eure Unterstützung und euer Herzensfeuer spüren, mich Herausforderungen stellen und mitfühlenden Ohren meine inneren Entwicklungsschmerzen mitteilen dürfen.

 Ebenso möchte ich jenen danken, denen ich auf diesem Weg begegnet bin, weil sie sich so wie ich auf den Weg gemacht haben. Danke für das Miteinander, den Austausch und das gemeinsame Forschen und Spielen! Und schließlich möchte ich auch allen jenen danken, die mir in Begegnungen der angenehmen oder auch weniger angenehmen Art halfen, noch wenig ausgeleuchtete Schatten meiner Seele zu sehen und schließlich zu mir zu nehmen. Möge mein und unser Lernen auf dem Weg zu dem, was uns wirklich am Herzen liegt, immer weiter gehen!

from the Assessor, Susanne Kraft

[EN] When I listen to Ruth talk about her work as a teacher with children in a deprived area, my heart always fills with warmth: so much openness and compassion for each and every individual! At the same time, I have witnessed how she addresses in the group what has not yet been seen, or when something seems off somehow. Her vulnerability, exposing herself to the truth, is uncompromising and very inspiring to me.

[DE] Wenn ich zuhöre, wie Ruth von ihrer Arbeit als Lehrerin mit Kindern einer Brennpunkt-Schule erzählt, geht mir immer das Herz auf: so viel offenes Herz für jede und jeden Einzelnen! Zugleich habe ich erlebt, wie sie in der Gruppe benennt, was noch nicht gesehen ist, oder wenn etwas irgendwie nicht stimmt.  Ihre Verletzlichkeit, mit der sie sich der Wahrheit aussetzt ist kompromisslos und für mich sehr inspirierend.

from Ruth:

[EN] What is really important to me: I want to see all the people I live and work with and see their true potential.  I want to discover and connect with the treasure or light that lives in every person and makes him/her very special. When we all let our light shine, the world becomes more peaceful, more beautiful, and fuller.  

I work as a primary school teacher in a diverse class in which socially and emotionally disadvantaged and well-supported children from families with a wide variety of backgrounds learn together. In this heterogeneity, forming a community, where everyone feels safe and welcome, is a daily challenge. Nonviolent Communication helps me with this. I am so grateful that I am now finding ways to see everyone and support parents and children to become a community. I can help all children to develop their potential and their very special strengths.

In my life with my family: The giraffe sits at our table. It helps me remember that everything we do meets a need. My 15-year-old son keeps choosing strategies that challenge or trigger me. Again and again, I see my topics consciously, so I can develop and find out what I really want. The most important thing for me is to stay connected, no matter how high the waves are; I can practice that with him so often. 

Giving my 9 year-old foster daughter security and love and, at the same time, giving her the guidance she needs is something I can bring to awareness and reflect on again and again with Nonviolent Communication. Especially the contact with her biological parents, who are unfortunately mentally ill and traumatized, challenges me. I see their great pain and their needs and, at the same time, the needs of my foster daughter and our family, and we have a strong need for protection and security. I am so grateful that I can feel deep empathy for her parents and, at the same time, apply protective power. 

For my need for personal freedom and autonomy, I used to choose the strategy of living in open relationships. I've only been in a monogamous relationship for three years. (How lucky that my companion also loves and lives the NVC!) Sensing my needs and making courageous, honest requests is an adventure and a great field of learning for me, as I am always taking full responsibility for my needs and letting him take responsibility for his needs as well. Above all, however, I have discovered that I find the freedom I seek within myself by accepting myself and letting myself be as I am. As an NVC trainer, I also work with people (often educators) who do not do NVC training voluntarily. I am also grateful to be able to work with these people who are skeptical of NVC. Adapting to them and feeling in the moment what they need and how I can reach them so that a connection is created between us challenges me, and I find it exciting. 

I am very grateful that I found my own spirituality with my assessor, Susanne Kraft. Through her accompaniment, I was able to feel such a deep YES in me and a clarity of what spirituality is for me and how I want to live it in my life.  I found my place in the world, where this love is expressed through me. Now, I am so deeply convinced that I am carried and guided by a higher, divine energy/love. Supported by Susanne, I have found this certainty during my certification process. It is my spiritual source, which supports me in challenging situations and gives me strength, hope, and trust.

[DE]  Was mir wirklich wichtig ist: Ich möchte alle Menschen, mit denen ich zusammen lebe und arbeite, sehen und ihr wahres Potential erkennen.  Ich möchte den Schatz oder das Licht, das jedem Menschen innewohnt und ihn/sie zu etwas ganz Besonderem macht, entdecken und mich damit verbinden. Wenn wir alle unser Licht leuchten lassen, wird die Welt friedlicher, schöner, voller. 

Ich arbeite als Volksschullehrerin in einer bunt gemischten Klasse, in der sozial-emotional benachteiligte und gut geförderte Kinder aus Familien, mit unterschiedlichstem Hintergrund gemeinsam lernen. In dieser Heterogenität eine Gemeinschaft zu bilden, in der sich alle sicher und willkommen fühlen, ist eine tägliche Herausforderung. Dabei hilft mir die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich jetzt Wege finde, auf denen ich alle sehen und Eltern und Kinder unterstützen kann, eine Gemeinschaft zu werden. Ich kann dazu beitragen, dass alle Kinder ihr Potential und ihre ganz besonderen Stärken zur Entfaltung bringen können. 

In meinen Leben mit meiner Familie: Die Giraffe sitzt bei uns am Tisch. Sie unterstützt mich, mich zu erinnern, dass alles, was wir tun, uns ein Bedürfnis erfüllt. Mein 15-jähriger Sohn wählt immer wieder Strategien, die mich herausfordern oder triggern. Immer wieder meine Themen bewusst zu sehen, mich zu entwickeln, rauszufinden, was will ich wirklich, und das Wichtigste für mich, in Verbindung bleiben, ganz egal wie hoch die Wellen grade sind; das kann ich mit ihm so oft üben.  

Meiner neunjährigen Pflegetochter Geborgenheit und Liebe zu schenken und gleichzeitig die Führung zu geben, die sie braucht, kann ich mit Gewaltfreier Kommunikation immer wieder neu ins Bewusstsein bringen und reflektieren. Besonders die Kontakte mit ihren leiblichen Eltern, die leider psychisch krank und traumatisiert sind, fordern mich. Ich sehe ihren großen Schmerz und ihre Bedürfnisse und gleichzeitig auch die Bedürfnisse meiner Pflegetochter und unserer Familie und da braucht es auch ganz viel Schutz und Sicherheit. Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich tiefe Empathie für ihre Eltern empfinden kann und gleichzeitig schützende Macht anwenden kann.

Für mein Bedürfnis nach persönlicher Freiheit und Autonomie wählte ich früher die Strategie, in offenen Beziehungen zu leben. Erst seit drei Jahren lebe ich in einer fixen monogamen Beziehung. (Was für ein Glück, dass mein Gefährte auch die GFK liebt und lebt!) Meine Bedürfnisse zu spüren und mutige, ehrliche Bitten zu stellen, ist ein Abenteuer und ein großes Lernfeld für mich, ebenso wie immer die volle Verantwortung für meine Bedürfnisse bei mir und ihm auch seine Verantwortung für seine Bedürfnisse zu lassen. Vor allem habe ich aber entdeckt, dass ich die Freiheit, die ich suche, in mir selbst finde, indem ich mich selbst so annehme und sein lasse, wie ich bin.

Als GFK-Trainerin arbeite ich auch mit Menschen (oft Pädagoginnen), die nicht ganz freiwillig Fortbildungen in GFK machen. Ich bin auch dankbar, dass ich mit diesen Menschen arbeiten kann, die der GFK skeptisch gegenüberstehen. Mich auf sie einzustellen und im Moment zu spüren, was sie brauchen können und wie ich sie erreichen kann, dass eine Verbindung zwischen uns entsteht, fordert mich heraus und finde ich spannend. 

 Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich mit meiner Assessorin Susanne Kraft zu meiner eigenen Spiritualität gefunden habe. Durch ihre Begleitung konnte ich so ein tiefes Ja in mir spüren und eine Klarheit, was für mich Spiritualität ist und wie ich sie in meinem Leben leben möchte. Auch wo mein Platz in der Welt ist, wo durch mich diese Liebe Ausdruck finden kann. Jetzt ist so eine tiefe Gewissheit in mir, dass ich getragen und geführt bin von einer höheren, göttlichen Energie/Liebe. Zu dieser Sicherheit habe ich in den Jahren meines Zertifizierungsweges durch die Unterstützung von Susanne gefunden. Dieses spirituelle Getragensein unterstützt mich in herausfordernden Situationen und gibt mir Kraft, Hoffnung und Vertrauen.